Friday, December 8, 2017

Food - Cundhi Vegetarian Restaurant 准提素食坊

Hi Blog,

It has been awhile since I last posted anything about food. I had a plan is to make a post about that food place and try to order their different dishes to add to this post for easy reference!

AlvMax and I decided to go to Cundhi Vegetarian and it was located at a place which I didn't know its existence!
It was located in a mall where has a narrow pavement and offered mini space for business. You will not miss this display stand.
Here was their operation detail.
11:00am to 9:00pm and Close on Monday. But If 1st and 15th day of lunar month falls on Monday,
Business will continue and close on the next day - Tuesday.
Great ambiance and friendly service, like having meals at home :)
Typical vegetarian chinese meun
A close up of the menu

Below will be a menu gallery of the food I had tried and I will continue to try different dishes.
Lotus Roots with Black Beans Soup
Fried Tomato with Egg
Vegetarian Chicken Rice
Sambal Petai Fried Rice
Three Layers Special Milktea
more to come

For my future food post, it will be like a collection of food in that restaurant, so that I can try new food. :)

Overall: the price tag is slightly pricey but due to the location and high rent, that price is understandable.


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