Sunday, December 24, 2017

Swimming - ChristmaSwim

Hi Blog,

On Christmas Eve, there were many gatherings packed for the day but usually, I will reserve it for myself and JH wanted to spend his morning for a swim so both of us decided to swim together.

Wow! where was everyone? Usually, this was a crowded pool; I guessed they must have gone for overseas trips.
JH just bought a new action camera from xiao mi for his bike rides, and he claimed it is cheap and cheaper than my Casio selfie camera, and water-proof too! Hahaha! So JH (photographer in his genes) wanted to help me to take pictures but my face just spoiled everything!

My water aura ring stayed! XD
My ugly face just spoiled the whole pictures. HAHAHA!
Time to test his camera under water. I checked my previous posts where I tested my own camera too. (link)(link)

His camera was quite good and clear!
Why can't I make a natural look in water?
Swimming my dolphin style.
I don't know where I supposed to look at and compared to my favourite and successful shot (below)
One of my favourite shot ever! :D
We wasted ourselves with some durians. Awww... I wanted to eat somemore!
I can't believe my first-motorbike-ride taken by JH; thank Heaven for a safe ride so I could attend today gatherings. (link)


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