Saturday, July 25, 2015

Trip - Night Safari

Hey Blog,

Night time already! Time to enter Night Safari! Oh MINE! I can't believe the number of people queuing up for the ride! I thought I am going for the Eye trick museum!    

I am not sure whether you can see the queue at the back, but this was just 2% of the queue.
So we decided to walk than riding and lucky we made the right choice! This was where our photography skill and camera knowledge were put into the TEST! Honestly, I know nothing about the camera I was using... LOL

Himalayan Tahr
Hmmmmm.... It is just a deer. Right? LOL

IT IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!! Do you take cheese??

Honestly it is the weirdest and unfamiliar name ever. I thought it is a Wolvine.

Armored animal. Alvin and I had tried many ways to get good picture so this is the BEST among the worst. XD

Barking Deer
Hmmmmmmm.... So it is a dog???

Below is Not in the map.... Hmmmm so this is Ratdeer?

One random bird within the Flying fox and Marsh Bird cage.

Oops! Since we have bats handing upsidedown, this bird hangs sideway.
Okay! Can you give me a baby?

Striped Hyena
Woah.... It just looks like a dog and It is quite tall too.

Finally a shot which was a closer to it. I thought it is a Jaguar....

What an amazing way that rat equips itself with Cactus. Att +67

Flying Fox
Dear sir... will you mind cover yourself? It is too much for me to handle...

This was only clearer shot I took among all 50+ pictures spammed.

Giant Flying Squirrel
We didn't have a chance to see it fly!

After a while, I realised that, night safari East zone cannot go through by walking, we need to take a ride. Lucky we got on the ride and it was a wonderful ride. :) Then we ended our visit at Creatures of Night Show at the Ampitheatre. Salute to the staff who works late night for us. Thank you.

The take-home-message is we have the ability to change, to save those wonderful beautiful animals, Some are about to face extinction due to our ignorance and selfish desire. Beside three Rs - Reserve, Reuse and Recycle, one more thing is to be vegetarian which will help nature and animals greatly - even though we don't eat elephant or whatever, but it is a very important step which make a GREAT different if everyone does.

Here is my end of Birth day! Thank you animals.


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