Friday, June 30, 2023

Blog - June Overview

Hi Blog,

June already. My blog just had a big change from public to closed; I guess it is for the greater good and to avoid those who do not appreciate and misuse my content. I can't care much already.

There is no turning back.
For those who can read this. You are the exclusive and someone whom I can trust. Hope you will protect my blog. If you are tired of reading my stupid blog, just let me know I will save your misery.

1st June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 1 - Traveling to Taiwan
(Click here to read more)

1st June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 1 - Confucius Temple 孔子廟
(Click here to read more)

2nd June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 2 - Qingtiangang Grassland 擎天崗
(Click here to read more)

3rd June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 3 - 921 Earthquake Museum
(Click here to read more)

4th June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 4 - Free and Easy
(Click here to read more)

5th June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 5 - Public Swimming Pool @ Taiwan
(Click here to read more)

5th June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 5 - Yeliu Geopark Revisit
(Click here to read more)

5th June 2023 - Taiwan - Day 5 - ShiFen and JiuFen Revisit
(Click here to read more)

6th June 2023 - Japan - Day 6 - Osaka
(Click here to read more)

7th June 2023 - Japan - Day 7 - USJ
(Click here to read more)

8th June 2023 - Japan - Day 8 - Going to Kyoto
(Click here to read more)

9th June 2023 - Japan - Day 9 - AirBnb and Veg Out
(Click here to read more)

9th June 2023 - Japan - Day 9 - Rengeō-in Temple 三十三間堂
(Click here to read more)

9th June 2023 - Japan - Day 9 - Kiyomizu-dera 清水寺
(Click here to read more)

9th June 2023 - Japan - Day 9 - Gion and Nishiki Market
(Click here to read more)

10th June 2023 - Japan - Day 10 - To Tokyo
(Click here to read more)

11th June 2023 - Japan - Day 11 - Tokyo National Museum
(Click here to read more)

11th June 2023 - Japan - Day 11 - Walking along Ameya-Yokocho
(Click here to read more)

12th June 2023 - Japan - Day 12 - Returning to SG
(Click here to read more)

13th June 2023 - Finding Random Storage Ruin
(Click here to read more)

14th Jun 2023 - Goodbye to my long stay tenant, ZQ, thank you for watering my plants when I went on vacation. Thanked you for being there accompanying my mother and being a good tenant. 🙏🏼👋🏼 Hope to see you on any China trip in future.

15th Jun 2023 - Feeling fat during the trip and after I returned from the trip... There were ten people from my neighbour and colleagues made a remark, "Hey, Jeff, you look Fat these days." (except one who had not seen me for a long time, but I guessed he just didn't want to hurt me in any way) sigh... Yes, I feel FAT and lousy these days. Even jogging, I felt demotivated...

16th Jun 2023 - Oh man, I really missed swimming so much. At least... The sky doesn't judge me for being untoned and embraces who I am. I guessed that these days, I just needed to recover from all the emotional damage from the trip and my fatness.

17th Jun 2023 - While I had to recover from the wound of the emotional damage... I had to attend my cousin's wedding (my father's side who aren't close to us...) I wanted to engage by activating my extrovert switch but the wall was so thick so I switched off whenever I can during the wedding... Watching most people celebrating their so-called happiest moment just simply made me feel lousy... Is my happiness not happy? Is it the main reason why I am not happy? 🤔😢😔 I tried not to sink further in the abyss...

18th Jun 2023 - Trisuit Theme #80
(Click here to view more)
19th Jun 2023 - Looking at those cute isopods in the small terrarium on my desk... Their shapes and colours just added some sweetness to my emotions. I will recover sooner.

20th Jun 2023 - Fat and ugly, I can't be bothered... I heard what HK, my colleague, told me that his definition of maturity isn't based on age or success of one's achievements; it is about how much we are able to let go of whatever is unnecessary that dragged us from moving forward to become a positive self. Getting together like into relationships/marriage, is just another form or step to cultivate a better self with another person. Even my own body image, I will learn to grow (live) it and get fat in it. 🤣😂

21st Jun 2023 - Thanks for a school holiday when we can work at ease. Today, I felt grateful to go out for lunching together as colleagues. Since my working experience and my dietary restrictions, eating with my colleagues in any working environment, are nearly impossible and countable... Usually, I will be tasked to watch over the office, eat alone or forget. The majority wins easily in any situation...

22nd Jun 2023 - An impromptu swim during my pocket time. I forgot to bring a towel today so after a short swim, so I just sat by the bench to let myself dry up and ended up, I zzz on the bench! I was late for the meeting after this.

23rd Jun 2023 - Returned on another day for a good swim but... It rained! I didn't even get myself wet (besides my butt when I sat on the ground) so I just had a good warm shower for revenge.

28th Jun 2023 - Today I was supposed to attend a course somewhere but ended up, I forgot about it. Hahaha! I was late for the course but thanks goodness, I was allowed to attend still. During the afternoon time (it was a long lunch break) I visited one of the large playgrounds and tried to finish some of my blog posts. I got so tired; feeling tied down... I decided to publish whatever I had done for June.

30th Jun 2023 - End of June... I felt so tired... I felt so sleepy these days... I guessed I will pause drafting my blog for the moment. Need some rest... yes, me fat fat need some rest...

End of the month already... I still have many to finish... I will delay the July post. Thanks for your patience.


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