Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Trip - Japan - Day 7 - USJ

Good Morning Blog,

Yes, as titled, our 2nd Day in Japan wanted to go to USJ! Honestly, I can understand the hype of it and I could feel it when everyone woke up early to prepare themselves.

Morning to Osaka. Hmm... Moody sky.
Hope it won't affect our experience there.

Time to dress up in my Taiwan's purchased outfit for the day. I thought of going there in shorts but... I was really uncertain about the weather in Japan. But I know... It was cold at night as I had the air-con switched on.
Making some exchange of stations to get to USJ and it was in the middle when most commuters are travelling to work.
Everyone was looking forward for this trip.
Yup... We got sandwiched but not as intense as I imagined.
But the funny thing was... As we got closer to USJ station... I noticed the loading passengers and the ambience in the cabin changed; I started to notice the increase of noise (chatting among passengers), and I was able to recognize more other languages than Japanese and different people from other countries. Like everyone has a common aim... to head down to USJ!
OH MY! You can feel the positive vibe from the entrance already. The music and excitement filled up the air. You can dance along with it, go playful, let your hair down and no one will judge you.
(credit XY) Our first wefie together!
What a long queue. Here you could see the guests wearing all kinds of cute headbands (like Mario riding/holding on, T-Rex/Shark biting, Pokémon characters sitting on their head. Or a head of a certain character etc) some even dressed up as their favorite characters, just zero judgement!
Love the vibe. How I wish I can dress up too.
No wonder why there was a long queue because the entrance staff was busy checking the guest's bags and ensuring every guest should not bring in a filled water bottle or food, and will strongly recommend they finished it before going in... Well, I believe there are many reasons why they are doing this. Maybe to reduce the guest's unnecessary litter from outside, boost their food sales and others. But we understand that we won't be able to have food for our dietary preference so the staff advised us that we can step out to have our meal outside then return to the studio. I must say that the flexible option was given which is greatly appreciated.
Here we go! USJ. The entrance just looks like USS, shelter and is welcomed by the merchandise shores cosplaying in Hollywood kind of building structures.
Hmm... It seemed like we were rushing towards certain theme parks in USJ, because XY and BP wanted to cover Harry Potter zone first.
Oooo, what an epic rock layout, perfect for a movie scene and reenactment. I want to but just too many visitors already...
If I am rich, I will make one Stonehenge-like of structure in my garden or somewhere. Haha!
After a long walk of twists and turns, We had reached Harry Potter zone.
(Credit a visitor) let's have a group photo together. Finally fulfilled XY and BP's wish to come to USJ. I am not a Harry Potter fan as I can't follow up with weird names, and topics in overwhelming and overlapping settings. Hmm... You know, it is like before you are going to a movie, you already know those characters and stories or background; and they are a friend to them but I am just a stranger. In short, I cannot relate or connect with the movie.
Anyway, now that I was here, I will take it as knowing a new friend.
The first scene of how Harry and his friends got to the magical place.
I don't know them but the building is definitely interesting. Why can't one or two Singapore terrace houses build in this style?
Feeling like entering a different dimension.
Did you notice that the chimneys were slightly bent? I don't know why but I had a strong urge to enter such a house.
As you can see the crazy crowds here but I entered a moment of daze... Seeing many handsome and beautiful couples and groups... My brain started to wonder... Why can I look like them... So young, good looking and energetic... I tried to snap myself back to reality and realised that I just simply stood in between the flow of the crowds, staring into deep space... Feeling lonely. Maybe no one was around to share the excitement and thought process that I had. So let me Adjust myself and enjoy the present.
Most visitors in the Harry Potter zone will carry a wand and some of them queued up to perform magic on something then things start to levitate/move/react/respond. Interesting concept if it is not crowded.
Like even make this thingy speaks up.
Here are some interactive videos shared by this youtuber.
Believe me. Seeing one live middle age castle is such an awesome and fulfilling sight to be comprehended into my small pea brain. I always want to see a real-life building structure like this or even best, to stay in such a building.
I wonder how spacious will it be inside.
(Credit EK) Just look how peaceful and beautiful it is. I feel like a peasant looking from afar at the king. By the way, if you are looking at this image, believe me, the power of the editing tool got so much better, as it removed the people from the image.
Okay, let's admire the structure here. Wow... I didn't know there are sculptures for wild boar and winged ones. They are guarding the entrance of a ride and luckily, we came on a weekday when the queue was not crazy long.
During the queue and before the ride, there were many beautiful and amazing movie settings like a wall of animated news articles but sadly, we were not holding our phones as we were to keep our bags and belongings in a locker. Anyway, here is the video of how our Harry Potter ride is and it was one of my favorite rides at all times.
Hmm... Weird, no one filled up this area. Looks like it was one of the Harry Potter scenes which I don't know. Hahaha
(Credit XY) Oops, my friends saw me in the daze. Let's get one of them to help me to snap a picture within the crowds.
Next stop was an interactive show where we gathered...
...the staff told us to remain silent and she will open a entrance here.
Here, it was one reenactment of the scenes when Harry tried to get his own wand. I must say, it was quite impressive and how I wish to be selected to act in this setting (Making it into a movie)
Ah, I managed to find the video of the whole experience in the Ollivanders, Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
And the magic wand is one of the highlights of the movie, for sure, there will have merchandise for it.
I doubt anyone will buy a broom back, especially Asian families. They will kill you for buying a broom back and hang it for display.
Actually, the big clock here is quite nice. Where can we get such a nice clock?
After Harry Potter Zone, we moved to explore other zones...
...wanted to explore Super Nintendo World but this new zone will require to reserve a time slot before queuing.
oooo! A Parade was happening along the way.
Hello Kitten Vehicle. I wondered will the younger audiences know what is hello Kitten?
It was quite difficult to get good pictures
Don't know why the dancers emitted so much positivity while dancing.
Oooo! They were waving at me! XD
I always want to become these dancers and dance to happy music. But my physique and look are not what they are looking for. I don't even dance well. Hahaha...
Perhaps because I enjoy the moment of how confidence they are.
Minions! If they make them into shorter leg will be cuter.
Mario Kart
Too many blur pictures I took, as they looked away. But that mascot was beautifully crafted.
The last vehicle was from Pokemon and the Pikachu is so adorable!
Here is a whole parade recorded. Did you notice something? Yes! The music! This music just struck my head even when I returned from the whole trip!
I don't know the name but it was titled as "No Limit". This music is so catchy! I can listen to it for a long time. Do you like this?
While the youngsters wanted to do the extreme ride @ the Jurassic Park; EK and I decided to explore other less excited places like watching a stage performance.
Just someone speaking Japanese which I don't understand, so can only enjoy watching his gags.
But... The seat was so comfortable...
...we were dozed off...
I tried to stay awake by snapping more pictures but I knew I can just zzz.
Here is the whole performance to recap for me.
Seemed like EK and I still had enough time so we went for Spiderman ride. It was just similar to Transformer in USS.
Fast forward, while waiting for the youngsters to finish their ride and long queue, there were people sitting on the street in front of a building...
Like there will have some performance going to start sooner.
A small group of hip-hop dancers stood in front of the temporary stage
And started to perform.
Oh man, they were energetic! Can feel their vibe here.
Next stop - Minions! We needed a zone to gather everyone so we would wait for them here. 
Waving to my blog readers!
okay, this got emotional.
This place was so animated!
Oh man, this place was like movie coming alive!
The conductors did a good job as this looks like a replica to the animation one.
We didn't enter the merchandise store because... I don't wish to utilize my money for now.
I just stayed focus on the photos feast. Ooo, they are cute.
Even though, it was a short queue but we decided to go for the main ride here.
Oops! Haha, the friendly staff saw me snapping pictures here, and strike a pose for me. :) what a lovely lady. I also realised that the staff/Japanese tend to wave with both of their hands (greeting or goodbye) which got into my genes right now; as I found that gesture seemed approachable and warm.
Oh my, we queued for more than 1 hr 30 mins for Minions ride and the whole experience was amazing! The whole show was so chaotic and overwhelming, and I will like to see a clearer version for easter eggs. Hope to see this again in USS.
What a beautiful structure here.
Oh my, minions are everywhere!
If you are minions fan, you will love this place. It does activate your mischievous buttons...
...and how I wished I can remain as a kid...
...because the minions just carried the carefree vibe and enjoy the impulsive positivity of life.
Dusk started to creep in to USJ... What a long day.
If I don't mention it is USJ, you might think this is some small harbour some where.
Even this one. I really love to travel around and enjoy the beautiful scenes like this, totally different from my mundane life.
Finally and lastly, our queue for Super Nintendo World started calling.
Time to enter the pipeline and...
...and transport ourselves... a different world!
WOW! To be honest, I really felt that we were in a totally different world! Interesting concept to get to another park.
It looks like how the 2D game comes in 3D live!
Just looked at the platform here. I wish I can "play" in it.
I wanted to interact with the plots here!
Beautiful setting and please give a raise for whoever construct this.
Here, I realised that the kids and some adults wore a watch-like to gain some points around this zone. I don't know any detail of it, as it is kind of embarrassed to see an adult joining the queue and wearing a big watch, playing some mini games here like hitting a big coin block to gain coins.
Did you see the big watch wore by the little boy? Do you expect an adult will wear it? No judgement but need to draw blood from the wallet so NOPE! Anyway, that is not what I wanted to share. I snapped this picture because I found the staff was well trained and presented themselves professionally and humbly by lower themselves to keep the same eye level with the little ones. I will adapt this gesture in my future interaction with the kids.
(Credit BP) BP snapped this picture and realised that I was in the midst of imagination world.
I wish to make this alive and honestly, it is nicely crafted.
As for the ride in Nintendo World, we will enter to Browser's Castle.
(Credit XY) Wow! The setting here was amazing!
Just look at the dimension and detail here of Browser.
Let's take a wefie with Browser.
Long queue but I believe it can be worse... even though, it took us more than an hour queue. So I should be grateful for it.
Wearing an AR cap and getting ready.
(Credit XY) I don't know why I don't look great with a cap; it looks like my head is not tall enough for a cap.
What a nostalgic moment, looking at this banner. I started playing Mario since young; these boss characters had a deep impression while I played through the series - Mario 3 bros.
Here is one great video to showcase with and without the goggle.
(Credit XY) Oooo! USJ got space for Monster Hunter! We don't have time to explore a bit on this game, as the USJ was closing sooner. I just quickly snap it to keep as a fond memory. Love that game.
When we were outside the entrance of USJ, I saw a group of three Japanese wore a full green bodysuit and they started to run within the crowds like engaging in some unknown activity. After a while, they returned back in two and they looked rather stressed as if they got into trouble...
And I was right, they really got into trouble as one of them was escorted by security and almost got into a fight.
Anyway, it got a bit late... It was time to go home and we had our last picture together at USJ. Great trip!
The overall experience at USJ, personally, I felt it is great to experience such a place when I travelled oversea but sadly, I travel on a budget... Can't really enjoy the joy of getting whatever thing that you like, knowing it will take up space eventually; so it is more like a battle between my sanity and impulsivity. I must say, I still uphold my faith and determination to survive through the craving of spending at least; even though, the lacking of dopamine (the only dopamine I have, is the music of the parade and pictures of awesomeness) make me behaved negatively and I know I need to be rational. I can imagine parents who brought their kids here... It will be like getting your pet mouse to a cheese factory.


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