Sunday, October 23, 2022

Trip - KL Trip Day 3 - Last Day

Good Morning Blog,

Today was our last day in KL, I will say half day in KL.

Gloomy morning though
So far our trip was decent and fun. What matters was whom we went with. Great to have my long known friends to explore KL and let's spend our few moment here to the fullest.

Gloomy day but it won't stop me from...
Going to my favourite place
Yes! You know me.
My favourite space for the whole trip
If there is a sun rise here, it will be perfect. From where I faced, this is North-west direction, Perhaps visiting the pool during evening time will be nicer.
So far, the morning dew formed a blanket beneath the mountains, was the only thing that Nature trying to mood me.
Thanks for embracing this untoned shxt in the morning
I woke up too early, the pool didn't even awake and cold.
I took a while, editing and sorting the photos I took during the trip, and took a short nap
But I should just jump into the water, no time wasted
Okay. The water was freezing, let's wait for a while
Hmm 🤔 I guessed it is due to the water was not operated yet. Did you see the infinity pool showing its edge? Because the generator to circulate the water has not started.
Oh well, I don't bother. Swam near the edge and greeted PNB 118 with my finger.
Breathe in and fake it
Oops there was a Malay family with kids wanted to use the pool
I tried to make my last shot here
But they were embarrassed to have an ugly pig in white sharing the pool with. I guessed, I will go elsewhere so they can use the pool at ease.
Goodbye PNB 118
I went to the sauna and chilled there for quite some time before a group of dudes also wanted to use that space.
Alright, time for me to return and pack my stuff
Looking through my KL purchases, at least I didn't buy many things back
EK brought us to somewhere else to eat like a local, he suggested Blue Boy Vegetarian (map).
Open space and feel at home
Great that they had the price tag, and I must say that is a comfortable price tag!
We decided to try their local stir fried noodles
The meals here, made sweet sweet memories. I will definitely return again if I visit KL.
This image shows a lot about KL - The rural and urban combine.
EK knows that I will be happy to see some more interesting stuff so he told me nearby there is a street with street art!
Oh yes! If it was nearby why not!
All begins from Alor Backspace Street Art (map)
This giant sculpture durian is amazing by City Durian Specialist! A great way to advertise yourself! The kind of money I will invest if I open a durian stall.
(credit EK) Look! Big durian! Is it real? No smell so it is not.
Check this out! The vibrant wall mural is enriched under the sunlight.
Love how the artist used contrasting colours to bring out the purple leaves. You know the colour of a leaf, right? Why was he/she painted purple? Because he/she wants us to focus on the main thing - like that ladybug on the green leaf. And to bring out the foreground and background, he/she used orange to bring out the purple. Very nicely thought!
I love how a boring metallic vent becomes a caterpillar! 🐛 Well played!
How much paint do they need here? Definitely not done alone. It seemed like there were a group of different artists - one to focus on realistic drawing and another on general painting; but directed by one artist.
Here got another different theme and artist
Can I have some?
This one looked like it was painted by a totally different artist 🤔
As we proceed further down, here needed to tame down in colour, to provide a different season along different streets
Painting really makes a boring street into an iconic one
This block is breathtaking!
If my workplace invested some money and engaged a group of enthusiastic artists, the wall mural will look as vibrant as this!
Interesting approach drawing snail 🐌 for a change!
Worms and caterpillars come alive here
Beautiful street murals which you should not miss!
Living in such a street, naturally, you will join in the creative vibes like this hotel Melange.
Cat sitting on the window - simple and adorable
Even random shapes and colours also bring out the characters
This street looked like a battle of artists' skills - it seemed like there are many uncovered streets we had to skip because we needed to take the bus coach back home.
Before we leave KL, we needed to snap a pic of this gate near Lalapot, the Gate of Pudu Prison. It was the remnant of a big prison
Besides a lot of horror stories and living conditions in this prison, building a shopping mall here is a good idea! Imagine if the prison was still there, it would be ugly in the centre of KL and unsightly for any guest staying in a high-floored building. And if there was a prison outbreak, it will be impossible for the enforcer to reach the prison in time.
Now it became part of the memories
Lastly, before we returned. I swore I need to purchase one thing!
I wanted to have a beverage! I have not even drunk once!
I want to drink Cow Cow Yogurt in LaLaport
Cute logo and I believe...
They tasted great and we are not wrong! Beautiful and unique square cups, delicious milk sour yogurt, just perfect! It will confirm be my signature drink whenever I come to KL.
Awww, I really missed this place. Missed the room! Missed the pool! The space, the vibe. Hate to wake up from my dream.
I told them, I wanted to go for a short swim and soaked myself there before leaving. Crazy me.
When I woke up, we were back to Singapore. I will return again.
Overall, my KL trip was an enjoyable one and will love to return to the same place again, and explore newer places. Another side of KL than shopping and eating.


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