Thursday, October 20, 2022

Trip - KL Trip Day 0 - Going There

Hi Blog,

After two months of planning with EK and trying to get P to join our KL trip (because he has not been travelling for many years), today was the day!

After work, I went back home just to water my plants before rushing to take a bus coach at Golden Mile.
I think I really need some help to manage my plants if I am going on a long tour.

Had a late dinner while waiting for the rest of the guys to arrive
Looking out from the bus coach window reminded me of the past... when I travelled to Malaysia once a month.
YES! Nostalgic feeling when we were about to cross the border. It had been a while.
YIPPEE! Crossed successfully without a sweat because now they are using a humanless scanning passport system; interesting.
The amazing thing was that EK brought a portable screen so that he could watch his netflix while travelling, but for me, I just wanted some rest.
After four-five hours on the bus coach, we reached KL safely!
We alighted in front of Times Square Hotel and...
...somehow it was the common drop-off stop for the bus coaches
EK booked an AirBnB here which he recommended to us
Centralised and one of my best stay ever in Malaysia trips.
It was 3am and everyone just had a tiring face
This place was so beautiful as we were welcomed by a large water pool 
Tall ceiling can really bring the positive vibe
Took our door keys and felt excited to see how the house will look like!
Oooo, This is a condo studio room - clean and simple
Simple based kitchen
This is the kind of house where I will like to own but in Singapore, I can only afford the condo door.
or afford a bed... For now, I shall treat it as mine for these days
I will explore further when the break of dawn
I shall start Day 0 for my KL trip and continue to the next post here where I will show you the best features of this Airbnb.


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