Saturday, October 22, 2022

Trip - KL Trip Day 2 - Eating and Shopping

Hi Blog,

Today's KL experience will be a typical one - eat, shop, and nothing much besides complain section for some part! 😂 If you found it useful, that will be great.

After trying enough expensive food already yesterday, EK brought us to a place that is away from the city and where he used to visit with his deceased wife.
I will love some "normal" food than over-the-top food served in restaurants because I belong to the Low Social Economic Status.

Sin Xer Vegetarian restaurant (map)
They have prepackaged meals ready to pick-no-go outside their stall
Love to dine here because it gives me a buffet-able vibes
You may take as much as you like and the owner of the restaurant will calculate the cost after you present your plate to them.
This place looks like a canteen, after collecting your food, you may place an order for drinks
We moved to another zone to dine, spacious and decent
I ordered my favourite Mee Rubus which I missed the taste in Ipoh, I can't get it anywhere from Singapore and even in KL, the taste is just mediocre... Can't compare it to Ipoh Mee Rubus but I am fine with it except for the price. It costs RM$8.5... In KL, it is understandable.
But... WHAT THE... I was charged RM$16 for these three add-ons! The owner knew we are not local, so she charged us that high. COME ON! In SGD currency, this will cost SDG$5 already! Will the locals pay for a such price?! FINE! You valued short-term greed over dignity, you will receive a review on Google Map and I will not step foot in your restaurant anymore. Goodbye Sin Xer!
After our breakfast and open discussion of our meal price, we concluded this restaurant won't deserve our revisit. The price made me think am I having a meal in a high-class restaurant?
Since we were away from KL city then let's take a look at their wet market
My tummy was bloated with anger and I can't afford to buy some fruits from them
The butcher here sells the meat raw.
Can you imagine how a wet market can become one of the most possible places to spread the virus during the pandemic?
(Credit P) Oh well, I quickly snapped a picture and exited this place asap
EK wanted to visit his deceased wife's relatives hence he sent P and me to spend some time shopping in Sunway Pyramid, one of the biggest malls in KL.
What a grand entrance
Sunway Pyramid is not just a decent shopping mall, it is one special shopping mall with a theme
taking the theme pyramid to another level.
Stepping into the pyramid
The entrance hall looks like we are inside a tomb, and this is a big mall and the price is just typical, so we ended up having six hours of window shopping... a bit too long... and tiring...
We decided to have dinner here - Zen House
I can't believe I am taking a clear logo of Zen House. hahaha
Hmm... Mediocre layout in Zen House
But the foods were great and WAY WAY Better than SINXER! You get it! Check this out! I ordered Tamago Curry Rice for RM$18.9 compared to your RM$16 three add-ons! YOU GOT IT? SINXER Restaurant!
Finally got to chance to meet our Malaysian friend for a meal
Our KL Day two was just a chilled and typical day in our daily life which is the part where everyone feels KL is more or less like SG. That's why I will wish to explore a different side of KL if I give adequate chance and have someone else to ensure and drive me around.

Anyway, we ended our Day 2 as it was, we returned home late and everyone just went ahead to get enough rest. Here came our Day 3 the Last day.


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