Monday, October 24, 2022

Hiking - Lazarus Island Leading Hike

Good morning Blog,

After I returned from my KL trip, the next day (today) was Deevepali, a Public holiday. I had promised a group of people to bring them to explore Lazarus Island to find the hidden structures. Honestly, I don't have a good feeling though...

Yes! Today I didn't wear my usual attire. I just dressed up normally and maybe it will be my attire as I aged and fatter. Another reason is that I don't want my trisuit damaged while bashing through the wood.
This will be my second time visiting those abandoned structures and I will try my best to remember how to get there without missing my way.

It seemed like a gloomy day today
Oops. It started to rain. I hope it is not the heavy type.
Oh, I was not surprised to witness the crowds today. Besides it being a public holiday, it was also the last day for The Nine Emperor Gods Festival on Kusu Island,
Hence... our ferry didn't cover Kusu Island.
It started to drizzle. My first time going to Lazarus Island and experiencing drizzling... Luckily I was there not for suntanning. 
hmmm... Maybe due to the dark sky, I could see the "colourful" oily on the surface of the water.
Let's have our group photos before we hopped on the ferry.
ST John Island is ahead of us and the whole ferry was filled with visitors.
(Credit Mr L) Here were the team with whom we will have our urbex experience on the island.
Let's go! Luckily for us, on the island, the drizzling had stopped.
First stop, I brought them to visit this abandoned house. The weird thing was... the door which used to be locked and now, widely opened... I felt it is better to be locked or at least closed... now... Sooner this place will be gone.
Missed this place and the mini prison :)
(Credit Mr L) Group photo with this place where it will be gone sooner.
(Credit Mrs N) Next, I brought them to explore some old houses.
Somehow... I noticed not everyone loves to visit abandoned houses
(Credit Mrs N) Everyone seemed to exit the place ASAP. I guessed that it was also due to... TOO MANY MOSQUITOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you just stood there.
The group loved open space and greenery
(Credit Mr L) The funny thing was that I had not taken any pictures of this amazing tree before.
(Credit Mr L) So I should take it more often!
Oh man, I could feel the itches from the bites of the mosquitoes... and I was wearing slippery for my hike. Was I making the wrong choice...?
A new setup store for kite flying and bike rental. You can buy beverages here too. Good business opportunity but also a bad business strategy... They said $24 for 3 hours and $18 for an hour. You know... everyone who gives to this island, the majority of them go for the beach... not cycling. Plus most family will be carrying their picnic and pushing a cart... where do they have the time for cycling? And! Lazarus Island does not have a large area to cycle around! Please, guys whoever doing business there, do your research properly. Even if I want to rent a bike, the price already turns me off.
Anyway, this was my first time seeing a gloomy island... I wondered does it mean we should not continue our urbex on that island?
Hmm... I don't sense any strong resistance so I just hoped it would be a safe trip
Oh my! The beach was filled with people.
I doubt I will want to suntan here
Just embrace this beautiful beach
and snapped a few pictures here
Time for me to find a spot to set up a tent
Puff! Done!
How long can this tent last me? Hahaha, I can see some small holes beneath the tent. Now waiting for one more big defect then I can change a new one.
Had a tent set up so that some people could stay back while we explored that abandoned place
(Credit Mr L) Most ladies remained and avoided the potential dangers ahead
I brought my cable rope; just in case, there was a need to use it.
This trip tested my memory. I hope I won't fail.
My greatest fear was this steep slope, especially after the rain. But... somehow... Thank goodness! The slope was not muddy as hell as I had imagined.
After the steep slope is my next fear - Fern forest
Time to bash through this!
Take a deep breath and let's go!
To be honest, I was glad that the path was still visible which meant we were on the right path. 
(Credit Mrs N) Check out how tall the fern forest is!
I saluted them for being so adventurous! They are around my parent's age already! This fern forest didn't stump their mood at all!
Even going down another steep slope, they did it fearlessly.
In my deep memory, I just walked by instinct here.
I was glad that I could find this again! :D
(Credit Mr L) I didn't take many pictures here as my only focus was to ensure their safety.
I believe this place was storage for ammunition because of the metallic window, no other window around, open from inside.
Tall wall with a small spacing above, and one metallic door locked.
Glad to find a native carnivorous plant on this island :) Nepenthes gracilis.
They thought that was, but I told them there was more.
oooh! Great way to safely cross over the water and whoever placed it there was helpful. Thank you so much!
If without this, we will get our shoes wet for sure!
One thing which attracted my attention was this kitten with a small fern growing out from it. It was so unique and I thought of bringing this home but my instinct told me to leave it as it is. 
One of my favourite bricky storage
(Credit Mr L) Counting everyone and no one was missing out
I love how run down this place is and still has some characters to it
Hmm... Oh my... I can't find another way to get to the third place
Beautiful place and will remain hidden from memory
(Credit Mr L) Let's keep it to our memory shard
Finally! Found the old house near the shore!
Oh my, this place was filled with mosquitoes!
Mr L said he wanted to find the legendary night soil bucket as shown in this video
Hmmm... I guess it was about time to return before the ferry left us
Goodbye, little house. I will see you again.
I walked out to the shore, just to explain to Mr. L, that the best way to access those places, will be during low tide.
I am glad everyone enjoyed themselves
I thought it was a difficult trail but after today, it was not anymore because it seemed manageable except for the fern forest.
Long queue for visitors to return home.
Dear Lazarus Island, I will return again and we will play again quietly.
Now besides going to the beach for my Lazarus Island trip, it also become a hiking trip. I guess I will try to explore some more in future.


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