Friday, April 29, 2022

Blog - April Update

Hi Blog,

I bet you realised my new instalment in my blog content - my urbex experience. It will be a short one in my life journey because there are many places I doubt I can visit again as it is not safe to do so.

I am surely missed such places.
For now, hope you guys enjoy the documentation of my urbex trips.

Personal - Best Suntan Day

Hi Blog,

You know what, this coming week was a long weekend; Monday - Good Friday and Tuesday - Hari Raya. So I took a leave on Friday to extend the long weekend. :D

Today was perfect weather for...
SUN TAN! Today I will be going to "LAZADA" island, my favourite island! Today was Friday... I had a feeling today might be crowded... BUT somehow my gut feeling told me today will be a special one.

Monday, April 25, 2022

Personal - Cosplay Day

Hi Blog,

Finally, the day had come... I spent almost two weeks deciding whether I should or not...

Yes, you are looking at it because I am really doing it

The whole emotional journey of getting to this stage was a bit overwhelming.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

Trip - Haw Par Villa

Good Morning Blog,

Yes, I guess you know from the title where I decided to explore today. It had been a while since I visited Haw Par Villa.

I could count within my fingers the number of times of visiting Haw Par Villa - every visit was a great memory.
Two or three times when I was very young, once in secondary school and one in 2016 (link).

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Hiking - Hidden Tree Shrine

Good Easter Blog,

Yesterday supposed to go on a short hike with my bro, W. Oh well, today I will want to clear one itinerary which I missed in my short hike (post) with Jo.

Yesterday night just rained, hope the ground will be slightly dry by the time.
Based on the title, yes! I was aiming to find this Hidden Tree Shrine. In fact, it is not a shrine but it just looked like a shrine. 😂

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Hiking - Failed Urbex Restored

Hi Blog,

In my previous failed hike (link), I failed to find the hidden place in Bukit Brown and since... My urbex exploration life was short... I doubt I will be invited by them ever again... but I was left GPS of that hidden location and I decided to do it myself.

Thank you Mr Sun for still accompanying me.
I will show you the hidden place in Bukit Brown and the second part, was to try to enter to the Old Tata House again (link). By the way, my apology that I have some missing pictures for my second part which might seem incomplete.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Personal - Suits for the Theme #62

Hi Blog,

I can't believe I keep this theme since 2020... Time to release this! LOL! This place had some changes like a new fence so these pictures were history.

How nice when it has no fence around here
if you happened to miss the previous one #61 and you can check the overall collection here.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Hiking - Man-made Waterfall

Good Morning Blog,

Today I was supposed to go for a new urbex exploration with a new leader, Jo. But due to my mis-arrangement with my programmes; confusing Saturday to Sunday and another way around, today's hike will be a short one...

Thanks Mr Sun for cheering me up in the morning
At least, I got to cover the first part of the hike even though I wanted to cover all... Anyway, where were we heading today?