Saturday, April 16, 2022

Hiking - Hidden Tree Shrine

Good Easter Blog,

Yesterday supposed to go on a short hike with my bro, W. Oh well, today I will want to clear one itinerary which I missed in my short hike (post) with Jo.

Yesterday night just rained, hope the ground will be slightly dry by the time.
Based on the title, yes! I was aiming to find this Hidden Tree Shrine. In fact, it is not a shrine but it just looked like a shrine. 😂

Leaving from my brother's house, and I didn't have enough sleep... Hope my fat body won't fail me.
Long corridor is such a rare thing for recent housing estate
Cooling morning which was somehow a good start
Thinking back, if I had cleared this place... I might have no newer places to go... Even though I still have one or two but I doubt I can do it alone...
What a spacious mrt station, guess what station is this?
Hmm 🤔 I wondered... If I removed the protected lens from my 2nd camera, will it improve its quality... It seemed like nope.
Nice weather today :)
Thanks Miss Sky for good weather
And Mr Sun too. Will need your blessing.
Once again, let's begin my hiking from this spot
Maybe because the Malaysia border just opened up, I barely saw anyone hiking here.
Wet ground though...
But it was one of the best already :)
Ah! I remember this place, wanted to dress up to cosplay... Maybe next time, I should stay focus on my objective.
Many changes here since I last hiked...
The Future hikers will never see the actual pipeline without blockage ever again
Here was the muddy ground which I worried; but right now it was not that bad after all.
Absolutely Love the flat even greenery, don't know how long it will last
In my mind... I was thinking and imagining what should I do when I found that place
I know this might be my last few urbex trip...
As... Not many places left in Singapore to explore.
Anyway, let's enjoy as much as we can :)
Ah, last time we were at the right side...
...Right side seemed easier and safer to cross :)
Ah! This grass patch! Not sure whether you still remember this?
The tall grass makes it seem like a scene outside Singapore
Perfect for cosplay
Oops so sorry police. I know ugly people like me have to stay away this area.
Hmm this place may seem like an interesting place for photography but it turned out meh.
Flat ground and open sky are perfect
Oops sorry, kind of out of content here, let's stay on the content.
The location of the Tree Shrine seemed like easy access as it is quite near a path
And hope it will show some path there...
Oh man... I remembered that last time, here got a private garden which got into public attention and it was forced to remove...
Ooo... It seemed like someone stayed here before
These bracket mushrooms seem like survive for quite some time here
Today my aim was to find the tree shrine, this dried-up tree was like fingers/hands trying to stop me to proceed
Some time it spread out widely, I might think it is a welcome sign; open arms.
Or pointing fingers 👉🏼 like a DJ, yoh yoh!
Or seemed like my magic plant attack.
Approaching to the location of the tree shrine.
The plants here, are trying their best to beg for enough sunlight and water. I believe the shrine should be located in an unblocked area
Yes, the moment of house and seek started now
Let's go!
Hmm there is an opening so should be easy for the start
Hmm okay, based on the given GPS, should be here.
Hmm but... I went in and checked around but I couldn't find any... There are many fallen trees, and sometimes, the dense wood tends to form like structure...
Gave me an illusion of that shrine but it was not... Until you approached it
I tried to search high, low, left, right... But can't... Just look at this picture, you tell me what you see... To be honest, due to the uneven landscape and thick foliage, you can't see anything beyond 50m away 
I tried to walk further away from the GPS and returned... Almost an hour, I really can't find the Tree Shrine...
I was tired and disappointed 😥
I tried to check the GPS given by a few people again and I got the same result except one from Jo. Weird... How come Jo's GPS pointed to a different location? I thought that I was using the same GPS all along? Never mind, since I can't find it here, let's go there to find it.
Since it was nearby, should be fine
Weird thing was... That path I walked past before... I don't think that I had spotted anything unusual...
That Tree Shrine was really playing hide and seek with me.
Tree trunk, tree trunk, can you tell me where is that place?
Don't just keep quiet and pretend to die!
Why why you have to make it so difficult...
Hmm... Seriously, I doubt it will be this close and nothing unusual...
I walked up and down this area... Along the path...
Even walked out of the area to see whether I missed out any, but nope...
I went to another side and found a well and at least something.
Oh dear, I forgot to pin it but it should be achievable, nothing difficult about it.
I even went uphill and adventure outwardly and wildly...
Could only find some bio-luminous fun-guy (fungus) great party lovers.
Can't find the tree shrine... But found a bamboo plant
They look like a network/fan
So today... I had to end my journey...
And revised what I had covered...
I told the sender that I failed to location the shrine and needed him to just guide me along... If he can explain further on how to find it...
... But it seemed like it was all my fault for being inexperienced and stupid...
I checked with Ay, another hiker, for more information. He claimed that he also used the same coordinates and he remembered it should be easy to find by going uphill.
After I matched his and mine, then realised I just barely and greatly missed the spot. 😂
Next morning, my bro, W, wanted to go for a hike... I decided to go again after that.
Thinking that I will find that tree shrine for sure!
Thanks Heaven that today weather was good
Trying to find a faster way to travel there after this hike
Hi W, long time no see. Glad he can come out for hiking as he was ill and too relaxed
Hope the hike can motivate him again
Today I brought him to Bukit Brown and had a good catch up session with him
I also told him about the tree shrine
(Thanks W) And explained to him the difference of the trees here and the one which I am trying to find
Since you were on the journey with me, let me show you the beautiful trees here
(Thanks W) The Avatar Tree - Tree that dressed up
Like as if, the tree is cosplaying too
(Thanks W) So Mr Avatar Tree, are you cosplaying someone wearing a long rode?
Looks like a Chinese general, Guan yu riding on a horse
(thanks W) All depends on your imagination :)
Next stop was to show W the famous cars
(Thanks W) This is also one of my tree shrines without a shrine and it seems alive.
The tree tends to consume and keep human property into its own collection.
To fuse together with the car
Be part of the Nature.
(Thanks W) It also wants to take me in and I escape from its vine-grasp.
Anyway, it will become a mess if I am part of its collection
Why not just take both of us?
Trying to find the stairs (link) again and it was not easy.
Hope you enjoyed today trip, W.
Beautiful spider and its web
Time to return to where I stopped and...
... continued to find the Hidden Tree Shrine.
I believe I will find it today!
Oooo! New Zoo poster which includes Bird Park!
Should we preview the past poster and now?
Here is the old dashboard
Stay focus on this familiar path
Ayan claimed that he started from a bamboo tree
Should be here.
Walk straight up the slope
The first key landmark is this huge stone
I need to be aware of my surrounding as there are animals with toxic hidden around.
Once you found this debris of bricks...
Just near by... I spotted that aura!
I found it!!!
Look at this!
THE TREE SHRINE! it looks like an old granny tree sitting down on a bunker as its own chair...
Waiting to tell us its stories...
Looks like here can become a nice home for "something"
Check out its left and right arms of the tree
Here can create a drama scene
I was just too wet today and can't think anything besides...
Shooting myself lost in the wood under its spell and...
... trap within its labyrinth...
... captured in its tentacles and unable to set free 
I had to transform to fight the evil tree!
Time to fight!
Doing superhero move!
But I calmed down and don't want to harm its further...
because it was misunderstood.
After we had become friends, I was returned to the real world...
The tree had led me out there and set me free.
I wanted to visit you again and also tell Jo that he had mis-coordinated. 
The tree started to fade off from sight in the wood
I will miss you
Tired and feeling achieved!
And feeling tired too...
A fat man like me tends to feel tired easily... At least, I got to return with great satisfaction and achievable for today!
Previewing the route. I must thanks Ayan for his, if not, I doubt I can find it.
Glad Jo decided to apologise to me instead of insisting on thinking he was right. Now no more people lost their way and hope they won't dirty the shrine.
Love the feeling of determination I displayed here. I thought I don't have the luck but with proper guidance and thanks Mother Nature to keep dangerous animals away along the path I took. Thank you so much,


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