Saturday, March 5, 2022

Hiking - Failed Urbex

Hi Blog,

Today ART result was still negative despite my tenant got covid-19. I was at high risk. My mother didn't want me to step out but you know it is a Saturday and she was working too... 

So... Let's go while I still can!
So where am I planning to go this time?

My first time shower-before-hiking, feeling great!
How I can wash my fat away... Getting fatter and fatter... Sigh... Now my right arm had recovered, time to do pushup daily.
Hmm... Did I say good weather just now? Err... Dark clouds seemed a distance away.
So where was I heading to?
I was heading to Bukit Brown again
Why am I going there for? Not for Easter egg, even though, maybe can, but based on a urbex hiker V told me that with the coordination 1.33299, 103.818368, I will be able to find something new!
Based on their pictures that they showed me! I want to go there!
Hot weather today! 今日の天気は暑いですよ!haha practice some Japanese here.
That place does not have name... From Lyan's sharing, it might name as "Former Chin Chun Public School"
Weird name... I just hoped I can find that place.
Miss Sky started to chase me. Miss Sky, will you give me a moment please?
It is inside Seh Ong Cemetery.
Based on the hint from V, here is my entrance.
Seemed doable for the start
Hmm... Grave and Tomb are everywhere here.
Will this fat man find it?
Oh man... Blurry shot of this item, it is a broken lottery toy.
I guessed the knobs on the brushes really help
Because the path here is not clearly showed.
Hmm... I seemed lost in the wood already...
Here was where I struck... Last ribbon and I don't know where should I go already... I had to turn back... Find my way out.
I was surrounded by tangled vined tree... My wild imagination started to kick in...
Finally, I got out from the wood. Almost lost myself in there... Sigh... As titled... It was a failed urbex hike... I will want to find that place again myself!
Anyway, Miss Sky decided to comfort me by delaying the shower timing.
Thanks Miss Sky for cheering me up. I shall just hike around and find any other interesting places or not...
This place still looks quiet and at homed.
I took out my tripod and snapped a few pictures before I exited this place and returned home.
Weird... Today I barely bumped into anyone besides mosquitoes, Ants and wild Boars. It looked like the whole Singaporean, only this nerd is at this place.
In fact, I would have dressed up as spidey for a pose but I don't delay Miss Sky's showering schedule!
Hmm oh no... It seemed like I lost my way again...
Where am I now... Hmm... I don't know where I am heading to, I guess the best is to head back.
Sigh... My failed urbex trip today tangled my route...
... Tangled by the trees
... Tangled my imagination.
To set myself free before the darkness comes
What a short hike today... It was just 3pm... But looked like 630pm
Miss Sky, hold on for a while
It was a long walk out and thanks Miss Sky for waiting, for not dampening my failed experience further.
Just right after I stepped into the bus and waaaahhh...
Rain heavily! Like Miss Sky showered my negativeness away
Thank you Miss Sky. I will try to find that place next time.
Not every urbex trip will be a success especially when I went alone, have zero clue or clear path on map. I will be back.


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