Saturday, April 23, 2022

Trip - Haw Par Villa

Good Morning Blog,

Yes, I guess you know from the title where I decided to explore today. It had been a while since I visited Haw Par Villa.

I could count within my fingers the number of times of visiting Haw Par Villa - every visit was a great memory.
Two or three times when I was very young, once in secondary school and one in 2016 (link).
Hmm... Looking through relevant videos and found some interesting videos which you can consider watching.
Do check his video about Haw Par Villa. You will have a better idea of the place.
Some history and changes about Haw Par Villa which I experienced since I was young
Perfect weather today
Long time never wear the black suit out
I guessed I regret a bit as I started to feel the warm
Haw Par Villa Station has a wall art of Haw Par Villa. Quite intricate
Finally arrived. Hmm 🤔 there is some missing thing here... As compared to the past...
(Image from Trekearth) Looked at the past... the beautiful dragon...
I remember it should be around here...
The tiger is holding onto Tiger Balm, the world’s leading analgesic remedy...
Welcome to Haw Par Villa!
It seems like a new map of Haw Par Villa, some parts were blocked.
The tiger balm icon - the tiger is everywhere
At the entrance, here is the famous and iconic gate. Until now, it does not change much.
Hmm 🤔 today was the weekend so there were visitors around and I will think the weekday will be even worse. Anyway, I just went ahead to set up a tripod... Even though I was already judged by some people who just entered here. I don't want to invest in such feelings.
In Haw Par Villa, this park is not well promoted by Travelling Board because of its weird, random, less attractive and somehow uncomfortable sculptures. Why random? Because the theme is Chinese related, this sculpture just seems out of place. Personally, I just enjoyed the weirdness and randomness, posed with it.
There are a lot of Chinese folklore, legends or characters which might not able to get others to relate or interested with.
What excited me here, is these artificial rock formations. It was nicely painted and it showed irregularity and yet layered as if we are in a different world.
Just look at these two sculptures, they were created by different artists and collected and placed by the brothers from other countries/places.
These ones surely give me the creep vibes with their soulless eyes, telling us to get their tiger balm products... Trying to look cute but failed... Just like me. 😂
The entrance to "The Hell Museum". Last time it was free or it was a boat ride (below) but now after renovation, we will need to pay to enter. I must say the payment is for the staff and maintenance here. If you have a chance to come here, don't be stingy. I will come back for a focused content next time.
Haha 😂 I don't know where to start... Great that they try to preserve the sculpture here; as the last artist (link) in Singapore left still restoring the sculptures here and the funny thing is that some paintings and designs of the sculptures really make them look cartoonish. But we have to appreciate whether it is still present.
It seemed like the last artist does need some more help...
Its beauty will never last, preservation is the only method to fight time.
Besides Chinese Folklore and legends, a mixture of religions also comes to play.
Some displays here won't make any sense to us when we lacked the background knowledge of certain stories/history; to top off, we don't even have it.
This display is about the story "The Legend of the White Snake" and I was there to disturb their interaction.
Because no one can stop the horny guy to fall in love with the beauty of the white snake.
Let me show you more of the rocky formation. Look at these rocks - Looks like Chinese paintings, don't you think so?
Can tell the Aw Brothers have great respect towards Chinese religions. They will make sure the Saints and Sages will have a proper shrine/space.
I can show you some more later
Hmm... Okay... I forgot this figure's name. Thumb up for you.
Why I said previously that the sculptures here are random... because I thought this place is Chinese folklore, legends or tales focused as a theme but got two Sumo wrestlers here... I will join their fat club.
The Haw Par Villa merchandise - I didn't step in and next time I will.
It is like a Chinese painting came alive.
Ah! Last time, this wall will have a lot of 3d sculptures telling a story but now it was gone.
I guess maintenance will be hell
Ah! This is what I am talking about, a rich display of figures of chaotic stories. My imagination started...
This display is showing a war between err... don't know and sea creatures in the sea.
It was advisable to hide under the sea where the war happened on the surface.
As I went in deeper into the abyss...
And cloud-tiger-like creatures found me wandering in their territory...
... They locked me up here...
What a joke. Your prison is a joke, can't even restrain me.
Hmmm... I lost my way after escaping from the prison. it seemed like I am in another different world.
Like the wars never end between them...
Chinese Folklore is just like Roman Geek always involved wars between themselves
Personally, I just treated these as stories because that was the only entertainment in the past
So don't need to be too serious about it
Checking of random sculptures, here are some random sculptures.
is Goose my spirit animal? I am a poor man, not like Goose laying a golden egg...
This lady is Chang E. She seemed rather pissed off... I better don't take pictures with her while she is in bad mood.
This place was trying to be Disney-like but just can't compare the past with the present.
Ah The Three famous deities - Fu Lu Shou
fortune (fú 福) and prosperity (lù 禄) and longevity (shòu 寿) Most Chinese worship them but not me, as I only respect :) As many will tend to bribe them with empty promises. I believe the three deities will not be brided and managed their duties well, without humans interfering.
Ring a bell and hope the people who deserved, will be blessed.
Wow! what a nice pavilion!
The seat in the center of the pavilion, is so perfect and cooling
Where you can just sit there and view the surrounding...
or it is like alien abduction that torture operation table... LOL
But it is a perfect place for other poses than alien abduction. Sitting zen-ly will be nice.
I love the ceiling as you don't see it everyday.
Hmm... Where should I go next.
I really love the texture and painting of these rock formation, it was well painted
Approaching another gate and found two giant wooden sandals randomly
Oooo haha if I didn't read this beforehand, I might climb up to snap the sculptures
Besides wars between the celestial, humans are also having drama between themselves...
If one doesn't change themselves and enter so-called Heaven, Heaven will still become Hell.
This sculpture is nicely painted and crafted as you can see the muscle tone and actions
Laughing Buddha - People might think or know a bit of him... Especially when people just associated and misunderstood him with wealth and prosperity but failed to realise that he was teaching mankind an important lesson - to be kind and merciful with the world. Absolutely different from peoples' money-eyes lenses.
As for Confucius, I don't see any wealth element associated with him but... people just tend to beg for him for getting good results in their studies. Sadly... that is also not his core value/teaching from him.
Wow! Perfect circle perfect for all kinds of random poses with a circle.
If not, just pose typically.
Here have many pagodas. This one is quite small.
The display here is to illustrate the legendary Monkey King and it got rather awkward to see these monkeys dressed up in human clothing.
There are quite a few big pillars spreading around the different areas of Haw Par Villa... They represent someone who was related to Aw Family.
This long session here is some display about the epic story of "the Journey to the West".
The erotic part of the story is the Eight Spiders and they created the sexual scene on these sculptures
Even bondage the pig!
Like no escape! But the sculpter here seems out of proportion.
Those battles in Journey to the West... really...
Others might think that it is a battle story between Taoism and Buddhism, but it was a story about his enlightenment journey to the West. I doubt anyone will want to hear my version of the perspective.
Besides those artificial rocks, the real rock also looks great.
Memorial dedicated to the Aw brothers' parents.
Ooo, found another meh looking pavilion as compared to the previous one.
One of the reasons why Haw Par Villa is not a popular choice is because it can get graphical. Most youngsters will prefer excitement over education... Just like other museums... But this place is an open park and non-air conditional.
Meanwhile, I will try to look out for my spirit animal.
Is owl my spirit animal? My eyes aren't that big.
Or is a toad my spirit animal? Ugly guy matches a toad?
Check out these seal lions here. Is the sea lion my spirit animal? I doubt such a cutie matches me. I can't help it to make fun of its expression of this sea lion - WHY GAVE THIS CREATURE A PAIR OF HUMAN EYES?
Anyway, my conquest of finding my spirit animals continued.
I didn't know that a giraffe has a pair of pointy ears. This giraffe looks so high. I am not tall enough to match the giraffe
Maybe water buffalo? I am not as strong as it, so nope. But seriously...what's wrong with the human eyes... No wonder people mentioned it is creepy.
Maybe an ugly giant ant! 😆
When I said that I am looking for my spirit animal, I meant some animals actually depicted certain character traits (usually humans tend to associate that; which is biased and stereotyped) well, I guess that is how much description that we can get by doing so. So do we behave like an animal or portray our humanity. As quote from Meng Zi, 孟子說:「人之異於禽獸者幾希,庶民去之,君子存之。」rough English translation: There is a fraction of a difference between humans and animals, the common people will tend to forgo it, and the cultivator keeps it. So do you know what is the difference?
Is a deer my spirit animal? Do you notice that the female deer is trying to stop the male deer? I am always single for so long, can't get a dear partner.
Approaching to another area...
The next area is like a pond of a water theme.
Hello Snail lady, why are you doing here openly?
This pagoda is quite well preserved.
A pagoda symbolizes the path to heightened awareness and heightened perception.
But what a small pagoda it is
I can't even squeeze through it
Oh, you want to introduce your lady friends to me? Hello fishy-ladies. But I am shy when you girls don't cover up yourself. I need to leave now... Pardon me.
Oooo, ladies, is this your puppy?
Suddenly it grew huge in size and mistook me as its food.
But it turned out, your true form is a lady crab, not lady bird.
Let's take a picture together.
but Lady Clam (her neighbours) also wanted to take a picture. But ladies, I have to go now... It started to turn awkward... Even though I am still a virgin single, please let me go and allow me to preserve my virginity to someone I loved? I don't need extra service.
After a bright flash, I woke up from my lucid nightmare in front of Buddha. Thanks for saving me from my wet dream so I could focus on my remaining trip.
Let's get back to the objective to visit other sculptures like these Three Kingdoms' famous characters than struck with Succubus.
Or with Goddess of Mercy. Definitely, someone who we should respect and learn upon.
I had arrived to the end of the park, a wall of 3D dragons painting that makes them look alive.
Oh no... My camera started to warn me of low battery...
So I just snapped randomly. The sculptures here are rather run-down, so I believe it's due to the exposure to the harsh weather.
This lane focuses on the core value of being a considerate human, which we should remind ourselves not to be selfish person.
Ah! Perfect circle!
Nice rock painting of Goddess of Mercy.
Time to go back as the sky started to build up, it was Miss Sky's washing time and my camera was dying soon too.
Last picture to end my hike
Visiting Haw Par Villa is one of the bizarre, unique, disturbing, boring (for some people), educational and do-it-before-it-is-gone trips. I will be back for the paid museum again. Wait for me.

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