Saturday, March 12, 2022

Hiking - Old Mata House

Good Morning Blog,

This morning will be my 2nd urbex experience with Mlyan’s group and today was a place where I won’t be able to know unless someone else showed me the way.

Very excited about it! Hope nothing goes wrong!
So where am I going this time? Yes, we are going to Old Mata House (fake name); the reason why I don’t want to spell it directly, is that it is not a place where we should visit and I don’t want any unnecessary attention.

Since I was going with a group, I will be Captain Nerd.
Lucky, I got a direct bus to our meeting point.
Thanks Mr Sun, can sense you are as excited as I do.
Ah, Jasmine flowers! They smell so nice, love it’s fragrance! If I have space, I will grow the jasmine plant.
Quiet road at Bukit Brown
Here was our meeting point
It seemed like I was early…
The structure which lasts for a long time
Oooo Mr Sun was doing his magic.
Nice lighting for photos
One of the MLyan’s friends was early too, so she brought me to a toilet ruin which no one ever wants to visit.
Everyone was here and naturally, they bonded with their own cliques and who will make friends with this weird shot
Ooo yes, along the Bukit Brown pavement, we saw a horse with a rider taking a stroll here.
(Thanks R) let’s have a group photo and yes, I am the weird shxt
Walking down a familiar road
Hi blue guard post, we met again
Nice to visit this place again
Halfway through the path, they started to turn into the thick foliage
This thick foliage walk was no joke
I will appreciate where I can see my footing.
Thick foliage should just watch above me.
Finally, we had arrived at that place.
YES! New experience and exploration for me!
hmm... It seemed like a bunk and it was Blk 20
Long stretch corridor of rooms
hmm.. who is here
Just me - fat ugly shortie me
One side of Blk 20 was rundown and...
Many empty rooms...
Clean toilet it seemed.
it seemed that they emptied this place not long ago
Besides an empty cabinet, the plants were trying to take over this place.
It seemed like a bunk for regulars/officers.
Another block beside Blk 20
Ah, It is Blk 21
While the rest were away, let's take a picture with the tee. I could feel the heat wearing a top.
Blk 21 was heavily consumed by Mother Nature, it started from one end and slowly consuming.
The roots of the plants crept in like a web.
Another block ahead
Blk 22
it seemed like Blk 22 is more happening than the two blocks
But the ceiling started to collapse.
A room filled with mattress
Ah! A room of two beds bunk! So each of those rooms was shared by two staff before.
I love the single metal bed with springs than wooden panel ones, which you don't get it anywhere else. Even when you lay on the springs themselves, the comfort level is awesome.
The toilet gave a dark chilling vibe in Blk 22, so let's go elsewhere.
Look at these two trees! Hahaha, they looked like two titans fighting with one another.
Behind the two titan-trees, there is this block that has some unique features and structures.
It is a two-floors block
Hmmm... This place looks like a small office...
This place seemed new but it is in Mother Nature's food list.
I heard some sound inside the room...
If any clue on the board in front of the door.
Tall ceiling in here
Ooooo! This room is for Charlie Company? :)
Where is Jeff's company?
A chair was left in the center of the window and looked like a superhero is being interrogated scene XD But I prefer to be on the bed
At the back of the dark room...
A small "garden" corridor - It seemed like Mother Nature already started feeding.
Looks like a house here
Give another two more years, this place will become a thick foliage garden.
It seemed like this is where began
They behaved like zombies creeping inside the house
need to find a safe spot to defend me
At the second floor, the light is what they are aiming for.
I found a lot of albums left here and the photos seemed creepy and eerie if you started to imagine stuff. This tells me of something - This is how memory faded/rusted through time.
Just looking at how Nature is taking over from the top, just amazing.
This place is heavily taken over.
My wild imagination started to kick in...
Hmm... I guess let don't imagine things, I will spend a lot of time here and the team was looking for me.
Next block beside... which is bigger and more like newer layout than Blk 20 - 22
Let's start with the bottom block
Quite a stretch
Should be the same length as Blk 20 - 22
This toilet is my nightmare... I do not and will never bath in such a designed toilet
Wanted to take a shxt but it was blocked
More toilet down but was blocked, I believe it was for ladies, I think.
Let's check other areas and rooms
Many empty rooms...
There were rooms with bunk beds
the springs on the bed were not great
Don't have time to check on every single bed here. LOL
Check out this bonsai-like tree here. Can I bring you home? I hope they can keep it after they renovate this area.
Done with the ground floor, let's explore the second floor
Many empty locked rooms here
Hmmm... locked.
Wanted to cross over to the root of the toilet block but nah...
One of the bunk doors has some grattifi that said "Daddy Team". haha sounded like a funny team who stayed in this bunk before.
Next is Block 18. Hmmm... where is Blk 19? maybe is the block like an office previously.
This is a perfect example of heavy foliage taking over
Let's go up 2nd floor for an exploration
Many vine-liked plants around
Broken roof and rusty window
Should be more or less the same as others when Mother Nature took over
This place is an office
I guess they had not had enough time to clear this place properly
There is a large tree collapsed onto the rooftop
I guess that is the reason why many buildings will clear a distance from the foliage or chop down any potentially dangerous trees
I shall keep myself away from that kind of dangers
like imaginative-alive creatures that captured humans
Oooo this place was interesting
It looked like...
A lockup room
How will you feel if you got locked up?
They sealed the door... dxxm
But it was just an empty cell. Meh.
Oooo! Here is a Cookhouse.
They made a nice large pool; I will definitely love to check on this pool frequently I worked here
Going down... the next slightly newer looking building - Block 15.
here is the name of the place so please keep it low profile
Two companies sharing the same building
I shall enter this door
I wondered how life working here
Sounded like a busy location here
What a familiar scene here
Looked like my desk
I wish that I can have such big desk to work at
What a big spider here!
If I have a room like this, it will become a plant room. LOL!
Looked like a room for very important, high ranked personnel.
Hmmm... This one looked like a school hall.
It is beside Blk 15
Basic sport area which I can't make out
A mini water fountain for a mini ugly me, need some photoshop to pose like Tron
Ooo an empty room looked like a training room
Oh yes! I was right! It is a training place. Ooo man! A punching bag! I will punch it like one punch man or one kick man!
But I am too weak to finish it with a punch or kick.
Have to reflect myself why am I so weak and lousy... I can only blame myself for carrying weak genes... I don't look good, tall or buffed... Besides looking stupid and shxt. Perhaps I don't use to stand in front of big mirror like this because I will start to self-hate.
These days, I got slightly better even though you might read me still doing self-hate speeches, but I had being through the worse in the past. Now I just accept and continue to live with it.
Anyway, on the 2nd floor of the hall, it looked different...
It looks like a training ground...
Rooms and rooms like offices, toilets and some obversation rooms to observe the trainees movement up-closed and personal.
Even on the stage, there are platforms to see how the squad operated.
Oh wow, my pictures can't justify what I had seen, there are spider webs filled up the space between the two platforms! What a perfect way to celebrate Halloween 24/7 here.
Next stop above a slope - a Blue House
Looks like an old Malay house
blue roof and windows make it unique and easy reference if you worked here.
This place looks rather clean and empty. I thought they might decorate with furnitures.
Check out this room - tall ceiling makes this house a cooling living place
To be honest, there are so many windows and doors, I have troubles layout the furniture here if I even own this place
More houses are behind the main blue house
Found a small lockup room, too bad, I can't get a good photo of it, so I gave up.
This place is very dangerous...
We won't know when the trees decided to give you the final destination moment
We have to keep up our gratitude for every single breath we have
It seemed like this is the last place to explore
What a big house and I shall treat it as if it was my house.
Wow nice looking trees here
Mother Nature cheer!
Before my camera started to enter death mode, let's snap a few and prepare to leave. Must snap with this handsome tata which I wish I will look like this in my future lives if I am blessed.
YES! I wanted to be graduated as Tata if my dream comes true.
After informing Mlyan for leaving early, I left the group and took off the top as it was so WET! Now feeling cooling
On my way back alone, It really tested my memory to get out from the thick foliage and there was a slippery drain that gave my suit a muddy butt-kiss and wet shoes.
I was late already for the next meeting... I doubled my speed
Finally stepped out while thinking of what I had experienced...
I was so so so tired now. I was glad that I had spent my morning exploring new places safely and thankful to the 'Good friends' there.
Overall, visiting the Old "Mata House" was intriguing and also difficult to access. It will be my one-time visit as I promised to the 'Good friends' there. Although, I wanted to visit again but I think, I have enough :) Hope you enjoy the urbex trip too.



  1. So many good place for photos shoot, and your photo so cool

    1. Yeah I agree, there are so many good places for photo shoot but yet I picked this deserted place. LOL! Thank you for your kind compliment.


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