Sunday, January 30, 2022

Blog - January Update

Hi Blog,

2022.. Another year had passed and a new year has come. COVID made a great impact on everyone's life. Even though not most for me, but I must say most of my hiking trips seemed nah... I guess... I will redo my hiking experience like a new trip for me in 2022.

Reset my experience might gain something new
I will try to come out with a resolution post for myself sooner.

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Hiking - Rural Jungle Hike

Hi Blog,

I believe when you think of me hiking, you will think it will be in the jungle or nature places, but today JH told me to try something different.

I guess It won’t rain even though I hope it will.
I like what he had suggested and gave it a try.

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Personal - Suits for the Theme #59

Hi Blog,

I have a lot of long posts to draft, at least, I will make one more for my trisuit theme. To be honest... I understand there are some readers who see my blog at a different lens... Especially thinking that I am gxy. Look! I understand my liking ISN'T typical STRAIGHT dude will like and somehow ONLY GXY dudes will.

But I have to say this...
Some gxy dudes like to gym, so does it mean ALL dudes who gym are GXY? Some gxy like the colour blue, does it mean any dude who likes blue are gxy? The list goes on... Sigh... I wear Trisuit to work out only due to three reasons: One, I really love the material and fabric of it while I workout; feeling like a superhero which I dreamed to be. Second, it motivates me to workout and I don't like too hot and sweaty-wet on my usual clothing. Third, I wear it because I like it. Do I wear it at home because I scare of other people judgement? Seriously...

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Trip - Universal Studio SG Visit 2022

Hi Blog,

Yes! It was Sentosa again. Why did we keep on going there? Because XY and WC had not used their Singapore Discovery Vouchers and was advised to utilise them before the expiry of the end of 2021. Since WC had never visited Sentosa before (he stays in Australia since young) and there was a package of USS + Cove at $100, why not?

Thanks Mr Sun and Miss Sky for making the weather dry.
Great to have JJ join our squad for this trip, so there is some female element in my posts; if not, others will just judge me as to how they stereotyped. With much experience at USS, I will try my best to document my USS 2022 trip like a first-timer.

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Trip - TreeTop Walk Reopens

Hi Blog,

While hiking at MacRitchie a few rounds, I noticed the Tree Top Walk was under renovation for nearly more than a year.

I took a day off from my hectic work today and decided to visit Tree Top Walk because it had done its renovation!
Checking back my Tree Top Walk posts (one at 2015 and one at 2016), I barely write enough about it so why not focus on TreeTop Walk.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Personal - Suits for the Theme #58

Hi Blog,

Found another completed Trisuit theme within the sea of draft posts I have. Since I had done jogging, it is a good time to post this as one of the themes.

One difficult location to complete the theme is because sometimes I will forget where I placed my camera.

It will be my #58 trisuit post, you can check the overall here or the previous one here.

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Trip - Sentosa Adventure Cove

Hi Blog,

Yes! My first long post for 2022 was to visit a new place. As title, can't say it is a new place. It had been there for years, after the closure of hmm I am kind of forgotten which was it already...

Ah! I remembered! It was named Fantasy Island Sentosa. What a nostalgic feel and too bad, I didn't snap pictures of it.
Today trip to Adventure Cove, I will make sure that I tried my best to document it.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Personal - Suits for the Theme #57

Hi Blog,

Let's start my first post with a trisuit theme :D Oh my god! I had been stalling this trisuit theme since 2020!

This place has changed since I took pictures there.
I am glad that I found it and post it before it was forgotten.