Thursday, January 13, 2022

Trip - TreeTop Walk Reopens

Hi Blog,

While hiking at MacRitchie a few rounds, I noticed the Tree Top Walk was under renovation for nearly more than a year.

I took a day off from my hectic work today and decided to visit Tree Top Walk because it had done its renovation!
Checking back my Tree Top Walk posts (one at 2015 and one at 2016), I barely write enough about it so why not focus on TreeTop Walk.

I found this poster to announce its reopening on FB
and great to see my plants in the day
and feeling the heat from Mr Sun
Somehow a bit too much heat
Even though I was on off... I was still thinking of my workload... hope I can relax myself today...
Hiking in nearly during noon, might make this hiking trip a less crowded one.
Hope I don't get sunburn.
Self check and good to go
Yes! Lesser cars at the Venus Drive :D So hopeful!
Tree Top Walk! Let's Go!
Mr Sun seemed excited to see the reopen of Tree Top Walk.
Time to move into the shade :D
Nature's tranquillity really calmed me down.

Feeling embraced by them... The amount of trust that I can have with Mother Nature.
I can just take pictures and sing a song while it was a lesser crowd.
Hmm checking the left side on the bridge, there were trees collapsed during rainy season... One big tree down and carried many with them... Just like someone respectable/with great influence, if he/she made a wrong decision, he/she won't imagine how many people that they had taken down with them...
Hmm so it is named as TreeTop or Tree Top? I really don't understand English...
Found a new theme after getting judged by the two young buffed teens for being disgusting...
Love the moment of crowd-less :3 it was all by myself!
It had been a while since I set my foot here.
What if I want to go up after 4.30pm? Next time when I jog.
The entrance of TreeTop Walk and welcomed by a nice pun here.
Due to safe distancing measurements, the yellow lines help to space out the queue and it is all the way up the slope.
Finally! I arrived to TreeTop!
Hello trees! Long time no see!
Pretended to wait patiently for my turn to enter.
hmm, is there anything new before a renovation?
Some facts and figures about the bridge
And basic rules towards monkeys, one of the residents which live in this area.
So far... I can't figure out what is new here... The netting seems rather new.
If there is absolutely no visitor, I will be happier to snap more pictures.
It is impossible for TreeTop to have zero visitors unless I am really that lucky.
Plus now got two temp staff stationed here to instruct, control and warn visitors.
Getting higher and higher
I think selfie and snap whatever I can, will be my focus now.
Taking pictures at TreeTop Walk is a good experience; if it is a sunrise or set picture, will be even nicer. But they don't allow that because many visitors will hold the traffic flow and encourage more weight on the suspended bridge... Dangerous!
I can imagine, similar TreeTop Walk at oversea; It will be nice :3
Insert Jurassic Park theme song here, every time when you lookout.
I dare not look down through the bridge, my legs will shake. I can imagine if it is a transparent bridge...
Have you ever seen a bridge especially TreeTop Walk so empty? Haha XD
Hmm… I wondered what was actually renovated?
If I am not wrong, based on my previous visits at TreeTop Walk (below), the netting in the past seemed like green but after being renovated, it is blue.
The photos I took in 2015 & 2016. I guess I am right.
Anyway, I shall enjoy the moment of me-time for now.
If the flights of the stairway is colourful, will be nice.
I should not ask much, just embrace what it is.
I could sit there and stare up the sky and nature for a long time 
But a bit too sunny and glazing
Time to move on
It seems like the yellow paint is fresh
Checking my location and TreeTop Walk is just a short walk as compared to the whole MacRitchie
long flight up and long flight down
I thought I can snap some more photos, it seemed like I can’t because a group of visitors started to show up.
I guess I will move on…
I can imagine the raw pavement in the past without this boardwalk.
Should be as raw as this
Sometimes a wild tree might collapse whether the path is raw or with a boardwalk.
TreeTop Walk was a short one, let me show you somewhere better :D
Hidden and secluded
It is so secluded that to witness two Giant Jungle Ants communicating
Beautiful place, right?
I won't share this location openly :) but you can pm me if you really want to go there. (I highly doubt anyone will)
For now, just this place will be protected and kept it secluded as what it should be. Please don't fish there as there are security cameras around there.
So that sunbathing and photo taking in peace possible
After you had done with TreeTop, you may consider complete the course around MacRitchie because it has other scenery locations.
The reopening of TreeTop Walk was a trill to Singaporeans especially during this pendamic when most of us struck in this small country and no where else to go, and a perfect place for a hike and catch up session with friends. Best to go during weekdays, avoid weekends morning to noon. Anytime/day after the noon will be ideal.


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