Saturday, January 22, 2022

Hiking - Rural Jungle Hike

Hi Blog,

I believe when you think of me hiking, you will think it will be in the jungle or nature places, but today JH told me to try something different.

I guess It won’t rain even though I hope it will.
I like what he had suggested and gave it a try.

Kind of lazy but just have to push me to hike
What JH suggested, is to try rural-jungle hiking.
Like my usual hike, this rural jungle has a clear path that ensured you won't be lost in the rural-jungle.
In the rural-jungle, you will notice the trees are neatly planted with precise spacing.
Nowadays we have chickens roaming around in our Singapore Rural-jungle, which are great :)
Rural-jungle has a lot of tall rocky structures which they called House and there are other unique things that are different from the real jungle.
Sometimes, there will have a large giant Web hidden somewhere which will remind you to keep away from dangers...
Like convenient exit during the hike...
Or open sky from Mr Sun's powerful Ray and Miss Sky's the need of washing the ground; lucky today they seemed nice.
Lesser green in rural-jungle than my usual
Trees here become a decorative element for the rural-jungle.
During my hike, I located one of the school institutions which houses Singaporean best and smartest kids... The amount of SES and prestige keeping stupid people like me away to be associated with... Hope there are some kind souls inside will take good care of the people with lesser privilege...
In the rural-jungle, you will spot metallic creatures moving fast in organising order and direction. They are the king in the rural-jungle, just stay away from their direction.
Speaking of metallic creatures, those creatures do not gather to drink water as other creatures do...
So walking along the river-drain will stay away from them; at least, away from noise pollution (the metallic creatures are quite rowdy).
But the silence won't last long when you are walking across the metallic creatures' river
In rural-jungle, newer mountains will create randomly if you walked past this place seldomly.
(Thanks JH) At least nice hiking experience though
Unique thing about this Rural-jungle is that they convert drainage into river-like passage which beautifies the whole place.
Sometimes, 'river' for metallic creatures will also look beautiful when they are in perspective and orderly.
Those metallic creatures have a gatekeeper to charge them some fee to use that "river" but free for humans like us.
No matter what it is... When nature and us can share a bit of space, will make our living space hopeful.
Because animals will live along with us...
Can't see clearly... Like these families of otters crashed to one another and free show for everyone around here.
But it just ended peacefully.
This river has its name - Kallang River which is a long stretch river in our country.
After a short hike, good things about rural-jungle... you can dine right immediately.
Personally... I still prefer nature jungle
Rural-jungle isn't for me but I won't mind exploring some more.
At least, got in time to purchase one of the tastiest curry puff along the way
Seldom have curry puff in a vegetarian version
and as mentioned in the earlier part of the post - the convenient exit becomes a blessing
which I can exit back home quickly.
Rural-hiking seems like a new concept which I can try out next time :D


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