Saturday, January 15, 2022

Trip - Universal Studio SG Visit 2022

Hi Blog,

Yes! It was Sentosa again. Why did we keep on going there? Because XY and WC had not used their Singapore Discovery Vouchers and was advised to utilise them before the expiry of the end of 2021. Since WC had never visited Sentosa before (he stays in Australia since young) and there was a package of USS + Cove at $100, why not?

Thanks Mr Sun and Miss Sky for making the weather dry.
Great to have JJ join our squad for this trip, so there is some female element in my posts; if not, others will just judge me as to how they stereotyped. With much experience at USS, I will try my best to document my USS 2022 trip like a first-timer.

I realised that I wore back the same blue attire during my Cove visit...
now I looked like I am the only one who is still wearing smelly clothes... anyway, welcome JJ to go with us.
XY commented that I always take similar pictures (he saw me take pictures here during our Cove visit. But... I don't.
One shot which I wanted to do it properly - everyone in the frame.
Usually, I will just stand in front of the globe for pictures...
But this time, we are really going on there.
Ooo, 2022 is the a tiger year so kung-fu panda characters got into the content.
And Chinese New Year was coming this month, festive of CNY.
Cherry trees are blooming to represent Spring or new day
A vehicle that sells pop-corns and other quick meals.
(thanks XY) our first wefie for the start
I wonder can we still purchase a car like this or not?
The funny feeling of a "Hollywood" theme to have a cherry tree or Chinese New year theme; it was just unusual.
Hope I wish to see the real one.
Besides Halloween stage display to welcome every visitor in USS.
They got high quality and detailed mascots from kung-fu panda to parade the street.
For us, while others were busy snapping pictures with the mascots, we took over the empty slot for a picture with minions.
(Thanks to a stranger who helped us to snap a picture for us) We are a group of minions too!
Usually, I will start our visit from the right side in USS because it is closer to the best ride among the rest.
There were a few places closed like the live stage performance theatre, Studio live stage by Steven Spielberg and one of the live-action performances at Lost World. Anyway, since WC has not been to USS, let’s start small and simple - let’s go for Seasame Street Spaghetti Space Chase! 
Usually, when I visited USS, I was either gone for the Halloween events… this time, it was a weird feeling and different vibes because I don’t usually go to USS; so today trip seemed refreshing.
Let’s go for our first ride!
How I wished I can snap throughout the whole ride. There are many interesting and beautifully made sculptures. Anyway, this spaghetti space chase is a rather kiddish and storytelling ride for kids, total immune/numb for adults to stimulate our senses. Can’t really give a fair rating for this ride but definitely set as a foundation expectation for the rest of the “spaghetti” rides which we were planning to experience later on.
Great to have the ride recorded. You may check it out :)
For younger visitors... I doubt they know any character.
I wondered will they have for Hari Raya and Deevapali?
Nice CNY decoration :) If I have a chance to visit USS during other festivals, I won't mind.
Amazing futuristic place here
Next - Transformer! One of my favourite rides which I highly recommend to any visitors especially first timer to queue for transformers!
Nice transformer logo while we were queuing for the ride like as if we were soldiers ready for a battle.
Ancient Stone scriptures to tell us stories in the past and rivalry between two forces 
Long queuing as that intricate layout keeps us entertained.
The orb-spark will be the main highlight during the ride.
I must say the effort for constructing this, must be appreciated.
(Thanks XY) to keep us entertained, we were trying to gather different light hues in the queue but it seemed like a challenge especially when others who were queuing behind us won’t like to have their faces in our pictures.
Anyway, not long enough, we wore our 3D glasses and…
Ready for the ride! A piece of advice… to have the best experience riding Transformers ride, it is best to take the front seats. Mark my words.
You can view the ride from this YouTuber. I wondered how did they carry their camera…
It seemed like no one wants to associate with me when I posed. Haha!
Can I have one of these cars?
Accelerator! Honestly, I had not ride on this one before.
Looked fun!
We are ready! XY said he has some plan while riding on this… I wondered what he meant.
Time to go! After the ride, I can’t take it anymore! Haha I was breathless! He and WC were spinning the whole seat by spinning the ‘nail’ in the center of the seat. I guessed most of my blood struck in my brain while spinning…
It was fun :D I don't mind doing it again!
Lucky they didn't spin the whole seat until like this...
Battlestar Galactica HUMAN and CYLON roller coaster
one of the craziest rides in USS; for those who like crazy stuff, you can go for this ride!
For me, I am too old for this and don't want to complex my mental and health so I just sat and waited for them to complete. Thanks Heaven, there was a little bird accompanying beside me.
Check out this youtube video to feel the craziness and I have no balls for this ride
Hmm... It seemed like it will be a long wait, I should explore some places myself.
I decided to explore the quiet corner of Hollywood in USS
I tried my best to snap pictures on my own and got to be creative.
Love the setting in this Hollywood street - brick wall which you don't see nowadays.
I can take pictures all day here, LOL, it is so beautiful here.
Too bad, there were some visitors around behind me and some were approaching...
I shall end my exploration here with a nice shot here or...
While waiting for them to finish their ride... I got very thirsty and bought myself a bottle of drink for $4! After less than 5 mins, I finished ALL and was still thirsty! OMG! JJ decided to treat us slurpee with 10% discount which costs around $5.8~ (I forgot the price) and the drinks last longer than a bottle of drink! So next advice: if you really need to drink, get slurpee!

Revenge of the Mummy has one of the grandest settings in USS
The intricate design wall is memorable but visitors usually just passed by such artwork.
Look around and appreciate this place

And the entrance of Revenge of the Mummy has one of the most impressive sculptures in USS.
(Thanks XY) Not enough? Let me show you more.
(Thanks XY) Even inside the queue for the ride, just look at the decorations and paintings!
(Thanks XY) LOOK at this! We kept ourselves entertaining while queuing.
(Thanks XY) Wall painting! Tell me those are not intricate enough.
(Thanks XY) Wanted to take an emo shot but my ugly face can't make it.
(Thanks XY) Thanks to COVID-19 social distancing, I doubt we can take pictures here because the queue will be tighter and long.
(Thanks XY) Wanted to make a captured shot but I got to shy away
(Thanks XY) Just focus on the main thing
(Thanks XY) and become a model in the queue which no one else does
(Thanks XY) Finally, after an hour of queuing, we got to ride the Revenge of the Mummy.
Revenge of the Mummy ride is epic especially when it moves in the dark. Scary ride.
I found one with the dark mode which able us to see inside. It seemed lesser impressive or scary when we can see inside.
(Thanks XY) Goodbye to these epic sculptures and move on to the next ride.
Yes! Jurassic Park! Every time I read the word Jurassic Park, its theme music will play within my brain and even hum unconsciously.
These two dinosaurs are so huge that I barely captured them within my camera
(Thanks XY) Shall we enter?
Oh No! WC passed out and became T-Rex's meal.
The T-Rex finished WC and it GOT me!
It seemed like Canopy Flyer seemed like a short queue
It was a short ride to look around Jurassic park with our legs hanging in the air and it was fun!
Nice to have a front and back view of the ride
Rapids Adventure was the ride that we missed due to some technical issues... If not, it will be a fun and wet experience.
next stop - Far Far Away Land
besides Revenge of the Mummy - Far Far Away Land...
Also made you feel like as if you are in a different world away from your normal life.
Hey Buddy! it is our thumb-up Time for 2022!
Our memories together :3
New Roller Coaster - Puss in Boots: Giant Journey
Nice Giant Bean Stalk
What a grand TV while we were queuing.
A lot of giant stuff which made us feel so small
Giant books taller than an average human; didn't manage to snap a photo here together with these books
Even the drawing of the ride was nicely drawn
The whole ride was all about the Giant bird
Most of the rides in USS aren't just boring and mindlessly rides of ups and downs but these rides have stories in concept and waiting for us to appreciate.
Love such giant leaf stands right beside me.
I have a dragon pet in my imagination.
Oh man! The Shrek 4D was closed...
Both of them showed off the things they bought together
I am the Prince of this Far Far GO-Away Castle! LOL
hahaha, This is Shrek characters place so you will see them as superstars.
Nice tour at Far Fart Away Land from this Youtuber
Sneak-in filming the whole 4D and might get some ideas of the whole show.
It was getting late, even though miss Sky seemed like wanted to wash the floor but she held it for a while.
Perfect setting to make some easter eggs as my imagination started to kick in but nah, just posed.
Another perspective from another side looking at battles tar roller coaster, not a big place and just nice.
Yes! Seemed like I was at oversea!
(Thanks XY) hey Ginger, two tickets please for a short and simple roller coaster
Enchanted Airways! We took this ride like almost closing time and don't even need to queue! :D
After we exited Far Far Away Land, we found Shrek's house.
It seemed abandoned... (because no more live performance in USS for the moment)
Knock Knock Knock, anyone homed?
Since Shrek was not around
The next one is one park in USS which I seldom visited - Madagascar
Sometimes I was too focused on other parks and just forgot how beautiful this tree looked like actual the real one
OMG! I didn't know there is a ride in Madagascar?!
No one believes it. Haha 😂 I don't expect they believe me anyway. From the pictures of me with my thumb-up buddy, usually it were late night and tired already.
It seemed like a non-life threatening ride suitable for kids.
Or big kids like us
Pretty standard storyline - if the boat does not move that fast and stays at one spot for a while, listening to the story will be nice. So I can admire the art mechanism and understand the story a little better.
Check it out how it looks like
Four friends in Madagascar
(Thanks XY) Overall, we managed to complete most of the rides and parks! YES!
(Thanks WC) My legs aching now, anyone can help to massage?
We fulfilled one another checklist today! Next meet up again?
Overall experience at USS 2022 - suggestion for newbies.
  1. There are a few rides which you SHOULD NOT MISS - Transformer, Revenge of the Mummy and Jurassic Park - Rapid Adventure or Battlestar (for those iron balls).
  2. Starts from the right >>> after entering from the entrance.
  3. Also keep the whole day available until they close, because the last hour, you can clear two rides which you had missed or wanted to try again (as it will lesser crowd)
  4. Order Slurpee for the ONLY choice of drink than bottle/canned drinks. If you have a 10% off, you need to spend minimum of $25 so group purchase will get the best price. Try to ask the people/strangers who are next in the queue too.
  5. Open our eyes to admire the artwork there. Sense the "heart/effort" there.

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