Thursday, January 20, 2022

Personal - Suits for the Theme #59

Hi Blog,

I have a lot of long posts to draft, at least, I will make one more for my trisuit theme. To be honest... I understand there are some readers who see my blog at a different lens... Especially thinking that I am gxy. Look! I understand my liking ISN'T typical STRAIGHT dude will like and somehow ONLY GXY dudes will.

But I have to say this...
Some gxy dudes like to gym, so does it mean ALL dudes who gym are GXY? Some gxy like the colour blue, does it mean any dude who likes blue are gxy? The list goes on... Sigh... I wear Trisuit to work out only due to three reasons: One, I really love the material and fabric of it while I workout; feeling like a superhero which I dreamed to be. Second, it motivates me to workout and I don't like too hot and sweaty-wet on my usual clothing. Third, I wear it because I like it. Do I wear it at home because I scare of other people judgement? Seriously...

Here are most of my trisuits and cycling jersey, I wear it whenever I can. I don't wait until when I got older then decided to wear it. Judgement is yours and I know myself. If girls feel I am disgusting because of EVERYONE can see my small jewel, then it is them. I am a DUDE, I have that disgusting thingy with me, what can I do? Do I have to be shamed over it or look like a Ken doll???? Very angry... So sorry about it...I need to air it out...

Anyway if you have missed out the previous one, you may click here or the whole collection here.


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