Sunday, January 30, 2022

Blog - January Update

Hi Blog,

2022.. Another year had passed and a new year has come. COVID made a great impact on everyone's life. Even though not most for me, but I must say most of my hiking trips seemed nah... I guess... I will redo my hiking experience like a new trip for me in 2022.

Reset my experience might gain something new
I will try to come out with a resolution post for myself sooner.

1st Jan 2022 - First day of 2022, I decided to bring my waifu out for a ride and also wear my first free jersey from a challenge during Aug. I picked size small at first, but the staff recommended M size... I thought it will fit my fat body... I guess... M is a no no for me... Too long and loose...

2nd Jan 2022 - Today was to celebrate my mother's 65th birthday (not the actual date) Wish her to stay healthy and hope she is able to see how much loves she has around her.

5th Jan 2022 - Trisuit theme #57
(Click here to view more)
6th Jan 2022 - Finally the rain stopped. No time to waste and go for a quick jog.

7th Jan 2022 - Today my ZZ plant variegated arrived. Check out the three types of the ZZ plant - Normal, Raven (black) and Variegated. I decided to mix those three together into a pot. When I removed the Normal green ZZ plant from the pot, it was root-bound... I just take one of it will do. Hope it will look nice in the mixed.

8th Jan 2022 - Sentosa Adventure Cove
(Click here to read more)

11th Jan 2022 - Trisuit Theme #58
(Click here to read more)

12th Jan 2022 - One year plus, we had not been meeting up and now, we got a chance. Besides having some good food, celebrating J's birthday and distributing some workloads is also part of our agenda. Hope we can meet up with more people when COVID situation got better.

13th Jan 2022 - TreeTop Walk Reopens
(Click here to read more)

14th Jan 2022 - TGIF! Finally to be able to swim after some hiccups and delays last week... Yes, I am not good enough, who do I have to please? I am just a typical commuter and no wallet-power to subscribe for gym-church membership fee.

15th Jan 2022 - Universal Studio SG Visit 2022
(Click here to read more)

19th Jan 2022 - Still have many projects and works to finish up at home... I just leave work on time because I don't want to stress myself further. Just jogging!

20th Jan 2022 - Trisuit Theme #59
(Click here to read more)

21st Jan 2022 - And swimming whenever I can before meeting my ex-colleagues later on. Feeling blue but I just had to pull myself up.

22nd Jan 2022 - Rural-Jungle Hike
(Click here to read more)

26th Jan 2022 - Have to force me to go for a jog and really need some motivation ...

27th Jan 2022 - Motivation to swim too... My fat tummy is just too demotivated... sigh...

28th Jan 2022 - Today, I finally completed some of the major projects at my workplace! I felt so relieved and the perfect moment before the Chinese New year is coming!

29th Jan 2022 - before I closed my Jan monthly update and a Chinese New Year was coming up... Let's bring my waifu out for a short ride to think of my stress and issue. Glad she is always around with me.

30th Jan 2022 - Now I had no more major project, I can hang out with my friends for some food after I started my spring cleaning :D

I kept my posts short and sweet because I had delayed my blog posts for too long. Sorry for the delay and hope now I have time to manage myself and most importantly... to motivate myself.


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