Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Trip - Pasir Ris Beach Low Tide

Hi Blog,

Previously, I went for a low tide visit at ST John Island (here) and TS, the organiser told me to help out for today Pasir Ris Beach Low Tide event.

Today Miss Sky did us a favour by washing the Earth earlier so that we can experience today lowest tide at the East. :) Thank you Miss Sky.
After work, I exited my workplace immediately to catch the bus as I needed some time to travel, interchange and walk to that beach. For now, let me show you what I had experienced.
Today I wore my rubber shoes out to my workplace and then to the beach. It seemed rather stuffy for my feet. My feet can smell themselves in that shoes... So I put a lot of foot powder so that they won't keep moisture. 
Oh Dear... I was late to meet up my assigned group members. Oh well... bad arrangement on my side when I got a meeting ended late.
WOW! A big wild boar was spotted along my way to the beach. Look at how calm it was. How I wish I can become an animal whisper to feel and communicate with them.
Welcome to Pasir Ris beach. This will be my fifth time visited this beach.
Anyway, back to the topic. The low tide was happening. Hmmm... this one seemed new... Everyone was on top of a salad-field.
As I checked closely, it was seaweed or sea kulp everywhere!
Hmmm... I started to have a question... What is the different between Kelp and Seaweed? Are they the same? This is what I understand from Mr Google.

Technically speaking, kelp is a type of seaweed and another word, all kelp is seaweed; but not all seaweed is kelp. (you can read more info here)

Amazing... It is everywhere look fresh. Too bad, we can't grow them ourselves.
I realised that my foot started to sink...
First time I found and picked up, this empty shell with a Cone Snail driving on it.
Cone snails are everything! A very dangerous creature which equips a poison dart.
Mysterious egg cases found on any rock formation. It looks so unique.
Check this out! The crabs were having salad moment!
It was a rare moment to look at the land from this place if it was not at LOW tide state.
Hmm... I think let's explore further before the tide returned.
Interesting Sea Cucumber - Red varieties
Live Clam spotted. :D I feel to keep freshwater Clam in my small tank. :)
Interesting Clam! It was not aware that I am watching them :D
Oh! Hermit Crab. They are quite large and common here.
Have to watch out your step when you are on the salad as you might step on them.
Just look at how shy they are.
And delicate too.
It is best to leave them back to the ground where they feel comfortable.
A group of small sea anemone spotted on a rock
Or this dried clam.
Just check out how big this weed is...
The mystery was solved. Those eggs were from Cone Snail. OOOO!
From the image alone, you might not know where I was at in the first place; you might think it is a green park with water patches.
Until you stepped in deeper...
Just look at how soggy the ground is...
I am actually worried about killing small marine creatures accidentally...
More small fishes found.
But... Everywhere is covered with Seaweed salad... I believe that I might have killed many along the way...
I had walked like 6-8m away from the shore where the tide stopped
But... my feet were not having a nice time here. HAHAHA
Just check out how deep I did here... I am so heavy...
Just looked at the damage I left behind...
I decided to stop searching and walked back to the sandy zone of the beach, left my group alone (because I was late and no proper introducing with them. It got a little awkward to lead the group randomly.)
(Taken by one member from a team) WoooooW Small Seastar! Hope I didn't step on them...
(Taken by one member from a team) Brittle Star! This is quite small.
(Taken by one member from a team) UV session started when the dusk arrived.
(Taken by one member from a team) Even the eggs and some weeds fluorescent!
It seemed like the night started but the tide was returning fast. It seemed like the whole experience had to end sooner.
Overall, it was an interesting and unique low tide exploration apart from Pulau Hantu - Part 1 and 2, ST John Island or Sister's Island. Personally, I will prefer Sister's Island or Hantu the most and Least will be Pasir Ris beach because... I can't see where I am stepping. The damage is so much for me to handle but Pasir Ris is definitely unique and rich, just be watchful and mindful.


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