Monday, December 21, 2020

Trip - Sea Aquarium with M

Hi Blog,

Yesterday I went out with M and her family, and today we were out again to... Yes! Sea Aquarium!
Went out early to Sentosa, planning to Suntan before meeting M.
After an unsuccessful suntan session, I had to dress up and get ready to meet. Thanks, Mr I accompanying me for a short suntan session.
I was all nice and fresh to meet up! Cheer!
When we arrived to Sea Aquarium... I thought during weekday might be a lesser crowd... I was wrong. It was DEC and when Singaporeans had nowhere to go to!
Oh well, since we were here, let's join the queue.
Christmas is coming sooner! Then we should take with a Christmas Tree!
After a long queue, we were about to get in! Yippee!
The animated glow seemed therapeutic and maybe I should get this in my room.
Crowded as usual but this time around, we can't stay at the same spot for a while because we will jam the crowd...
Taking pictures of the fishes is challenging, as it is constantly moving and you were given some random spot, hoping it will swim towards your direction like racing car raced into your viewing area and you were given three seconds to capture it. The result will depend on how skillful you are.
This is what you can capture... it suck...
Wanted to do a quick snap with my mask off, but got caught! Sorry to endanger everyone. HAHAHA!
I guessed M will prefer me to mask on at all times.
Due to Covid situation, every single tank here was having lines of Queue! Can you imagine a small passage with a small window at the sides, followed by a "snake-queue"! Every queue, the visitors just aimed their phones on the tank (so do I) trying to take a perfect picture. Quite suffocating but I will try my best to take the pictures.

Lionfish - beautiful fish
Foxface Rabbbitfish
Sea urchin
Don't know. Random fish! Hahaha!
Blue lobster is very rare. Catching a blue lobster is one in 200 million!
Looks like Compass Jellyfish
Wonderful wallpaper-worthy of a Moon jellyfish :D which took us a while to queue to snap it.
Wanted to snap some more in different lighting but we will be holding the queue... So have to leave this place.
Beautiful. :3
Mindless and free by watching them swimming
Golden Jellyfish - one of the amazing jellyfish. You can click here to read more about it. 
 Weedy SeaDragon - any seadragon is always beautiful to look at! 
This tank was amazing and pretty to look at!
Beautiful orange sea anemone.
Besides orange, there are other corals or sea anemone in other different colours too.
Feeding time and they are eating... Lettuce! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
A cool and entertaining diver did a pose for visitors. I hope the aquarium will endorse and appreciate his action.
Nurse shark sleeping and sleeping... Don't ask me why it was named as nurse, but I know is, it is a couch potato of the shark world.
Really suffocating to "swim" in the snake-queue... we just browsed quickly and getting out of there.
I wish to just lay down and look up watching the fishes swimming above me. Peaceful and carefree.
After we got out from Sea Aquarium exit, we realised that Sea Aquarium has a newer theme waiting for us to explore - they extended into the tropical rainforest and intertidal coastal terrains. They called it "More to SEA" What a pun! More to SEE! Hahaha Smart one! Due to the long queue... We just covered the Poison Dart Frogs session. I will keep the new zones for my next visit.
Overall, SEA Aquarium is one amazing place to visit as compared to other aquarium in oversea which I had been before. Not many but I will like to visit other aquariums to experience it. If without covid restriction, I believe it will be an awesome experience.


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