Saturday, December 5, 2020

Product - Chain Cleaning Tool for the First Time

Good Saturday Blog,

Today morning, I saw my waifu rather dirty so instead of going for a hike, I decided to... give her a good wash up.
It will be a short post :) but also wanted to try a product which I bought like last year ago.
I bought this Bike Chain Cleaning Tool and left on the shelf to collect dust. I heard it is quite effective to wash the bicycle chain but some claimed nope. Oh well... For an amateur like me, this will be a good start. If you have any better suggestion, please teach me.
Just looked at how dirty my waifu got neglected by me. So sorry...
Don't worry Today morning I will spend the time with you.
Start to remove the light on my rim and might get a new light next time. You can read more about the light here.
Hmmm... weird looking tool...
Should be placed it here, right?
Drip in some water and soap...
Should be ready I guess. I tried and it looked easy!
Clear some dust though... I think I need to read up what soap to use for chain cleaning.
gave her a lot of soap as how the guys washing their favourite cars/
Perfect! And she smells great and clean!
Even the chain looked cleaner now :D Satisfaction met!
I spent a lot of time to wipe and remove dust on those gears. :) I guess I will have to do it regularly.
Perhaps once every three months. I will spend some time to research on how to do a proper chain washing on youtube below.

Seems like a lot of work but the chain looks so CLEAN!
It seems like I need to get a solution.


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