Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Personal - Leading a Southern Island Tour

Good Afternoon Blog,

Today I took my leave. OH? Why? Because today I need to lead a group of people and experience one of the low tide at night at the Southern Island.

Oh Dear! Miss Sky! Are you planning on something???!! Please don't rain!
I checked the Weather report and realised Miss Sky is washing the North side then leave the South for us. :D Thanks Miss Shy.

I had to leave home early while fixing a new air con and removal of shelving. So sorry Mother that I had an appointment.
Arrived! I felt excited because today will able to fulfil my research and questions.
TS, the organiser, told us to gather here in a smaller group of five and after meeting my team members for the first time.
Let's go!
Mr Sun was rather gentle today.
Got our own private boat to serve us
Usually, I will sail in the morning to avoid the heat but I guess it makes no difference.
Check out my team members here
The other two members were inside the cabin, together with other groups.
AYE AYE Captain Jeff! Hope safe sailing!
Amazing weather today :) Should be no rain day!
Aww... Sister's Island. How I wish we can go there today.
Alright, everyone. Let's wait for TS to arrive with the last batch then we can explore the island, Lazarus.
Let's greet these cats, everyone before we explore further.
Quiet Island during weekdays but not quite, to be honest.
I volunteered myself to be a sweeper for the tour, ensuring everyone doesn't stray away from the tour.
and it was good to take pictures when there is no one around.
but... I can't take my own sweet time to do so.
Like so many scenes for photos and let's stay focus.
Like after taking this picture, I found that I lost the whole team.
I can only do a quick shot.
After We settled ourselves, I brought my team to explore somewhere (to kill time)
I tried to take pictures of myself but other members just checking me out.
We came to a dead-end and witnessed a great example of low tide happening right in front of our eyes.
You can see how the water from the bank flows out against the current.
(Thanks to one of the members) Someone wanted to help me to take pictures with the water flow.
Look like as if I was peeing... Hahaha! I doubt I have such strong gene to pee that forcibly.  
But it is still beautiful no matter what.
Wild/Bush passion fruit found on Lazarus Island. After tasting it, I felt so happy to have a new fruit added in my edible wild fruits list.
Oh man! I wanted to swim in the water...
Just too many eyes... if I have beach body, I will just go shirtless... and enjoy sun tan.
About evening time, TS wanted us to cross over to ST John island to settle our dinner.
The water flowed in a direction, because low tide was happening.
See you! Lazarus Island!
Back to ST John Island, I felt so hungry.
Managed to capture some pictures of this bridge when tide was low.
After 30 mins later, the beach was ready for us to explore.
I wondered how will other countries low tide look like?
Let's GO!
Spotted a few mudskippers which were not shy for a photo.
Interesting thorny shells were everywhere.
A Mangrove plant trying to survive.
Did you manage to find something alive in the pictures?
Spotted a fish jumped out from the tide, trying to survive.
Thought we might able to see a beautiful sunset but hmmm... Anyway, the island last boat was gone and now we were struck on the island.
The sunset was not disappointed :)
Unique rocky foundation of how our Singapore was formed.
HI hi! Sea Roaches!
Managed to find many giant Sea Enemy. NO! Haha it is Sea Anemone. Honestly, I found it difficult to pronounce, so mouthful.
There were a lot of Sea Poop (Sea Cucumber)
Not sure what Coral was it but it looked fleshy.
Poritidae Coral
Managed to walk to the far end of the coast
What a cool and calm sunset taken from the edge of the coast
(Thanks to my team member's help) A Sunny boy will want to have his photo taken before Mr Sun went to sleep
Everyone was looking for little marine critters
WOW! Sea Slug! :D
Pity Sea Anemone can't move itself in time.
Usually here will be covered by high tide.
It's a compulsory to snap a picture especially during my first lowest tide experience
(Thanks to my member) And check up this big giant rope!
Mr Sun started to go to bed and time to find marine creatures.
Time to test my UV torch function
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! MR OCTO! First time seeing one alive and up close!
Mr Octo changed its colour right in front of my eyes and funny thing was that I just watched a random youtube video about octopus's amazing facts. Just wow.
Under UV, you could see Shrimps busy farming under the dark.
Trying an unfiltered UV torch, purple hue was too strong.
Left was a combination of two UV torches (filtered and unfiltered) and right was filtered. I still prefer filtered.
TS used my bigger UV torch to luminate a bigger anemone.
But combined with white light at the back with UV, is amazing.
But I still like just my filtered UV torch effect.
Woooow! We can see Mrs Moon, Jupiter and Saturn sharing the same sky. These days we will be seeing both planets every night and around Dec, both of them will form a line (come together from Earth perspective) and... Whatever going to happen... We have to do our best to cope and be good.
Just like this two beetles came together, what a rare chance - reminded me to treasure the moments right now.
The tide was returning and came to the end of our trip. We walked to the port, waiting for our private boats to bring us back home.
And meanwhile I studied the night time on this island, besides the workers and some fishermen, there was no one else. Is it safe to stay on the island? I got my answer and I should not promote; there is risk involved like if you got into troubles, you are on your own. But One day, I will like to try.
After around 25 mins of waiting, the boat had arrived and we just enjoyed the cool night breeze, reflecting the moments, thankful for no stormy during evening and everyone is safe.
What an experience.
Argh... So tired, I wanted to sleep on the shaking boat.
Back to SG.
Overall, it was a great experience to explore the coral during low tide, put my UV torch in good use, manage to find Mr Octo, experience the night time on the island, feed the mosquitoes and sand flies, and planning to experience again.


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