Monday, December 14, 2020

Personal - Facepalmed Experience

Good Morning Blog,

Today as promised to meet up my bros while they were SO-AVAILABLE this month.

And also got a good chance to know EK's wife during this hike.
I went for a short hike with Ek and JH at Coney Island on Sunday and Monday. I thought it will be a peaceful event until Something bad happened which I can't believe why I am so stupid...
Today hike was at Coney Island. Honestly... I don't like to go to Coney Island for Hiking - First... It is a similar as you are going for a market purchase. Second - It is too crowded.
Third - I can't feel that I was hiking at all...
After an hour plus of hiking, we went on for heavy lunching and I regret for feeling bloatness...

On the next day morning, I asked both of them to go for a proper hike.
Today weather was so Good but EK can't wake up in time for this hike.
Oh my, Mr Sun was working hard today. So bright.
Asking JH to assist me on the photo.
I can trust a professional photographer, If you want to check him out, here is his IG.. Haha
A good photographer might not able to enhance the overall aesthetic when I am an ugly model.
But with the help of a photographer, angle and composition will be taken care of.
Which I have faith with.
As long as my face was not seen on the pictures, it will turn out nicer.
WOW! GREAT! YES! We had a close encounter of Giant Otter but... It is best to stay away from those scary creatures.
A video about this lovable and scary creature
After a real deal hike, different from Coney Island previously, We went for a lunching and planning to drip at JH's condo where event turned south...

While we were having a good relax time sun tanning at the small undisrupted pool then Miss Cloud decided to wash the land like last week...
I told JH that I wanted to keep my trisuit away from the rain so I asked his keys and went up alone. When I stood at the lift, (his pool is located at the 3rd floor and he stays at the 5th floor) I noticed someone was using the lift. So to avoid embarrassment, I decided to use the staircase beside the lift. When I reached the 5th floor, I noticed the door was locked from the outside. It is a Deadbolt doorknob! I WAS LOCKED!!!

I can't find my way out! No phone, Trunk-naked, Wet, No one knows I am in the staircase! No matter how loud I bang the door or shouted their names loudly, I can't win the rusting rain. Oh dear... I started to think if a resident struck at the staircase, they might able to open the door with their keys. Honestly... That is a STUPID IDEA! He has this unique keys-holder in a Multi-Tool style, it was nice to hold.

I inserted the key and turned at ease (to my surprised) when I checked again... The key got broken! I can't believe I can break it easily! (Now by typing it, I know the reason. it is due to his Multi-Tool key holder. It gave any holder an extra turning power) Anyway, I had to bang the door loudly until a wild lady opened the door, judging me and I had to apologise relentlessly until she lost the sight of me. I returned to explain what had happened to me... They don't believe what I had happened and kept on telling me to be "gentle" with whatever thing that I am handling and asked if I am not sure... DON'T ACT SMART. It had completely spoiled my mood.
At least... when we tested out which key I broke... I didn't break his rented room door but the main door, so he won't need to explain to his owner. Thanks goodness. Anyway... the whole experience was a funny, frustrating and face-palmed, and yet the Best outcome from the worst situation.


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