Sunday, December 20, 2020

Trip - Madame Tussauds Singapore

Hi Blog,

After our Eye Trick Museum visit, we still had some time left while waiting for M's family to finish their trip at sea aquarium where we will go in the next day. While we were exploring the island, M felt that we should visit Madame Tussauds Singapore.

I had never been there before and why not we go and take a look?
I heard that it is a must-visit place to explore. Let's go and take a look!
Thanks M for treating
Our first Wax figure pose :D
In Madame Tussauds Singapore, there are five zones to cover.
OOOO, she looks real, isn't she?
They have footstep-guide to direct to the zones.
Our first zone to cover was the Ultimate Film Star Experience.
Are we ready? M
Are these real? Started to get hungry.
Alright! Lights, Camera, Actions and Keep Quiet!
We entered Kajal Aggarwal's room where she is getting ready.
To be honest, under such lighting setup, will increase your aesthetic by 20%.
Like this chiobu (pretty girl in Singlish) Kajal Aggarwal, she looks so beautiful who doesn't even need the lighting setup to hit 100%.
Beauty and the Beast here
Now become two beauties and a stupid nerd. XD
We sat there to be instructed how to be a superstar which we left halfway because it was just like a dream, sweet or bad dream, we will have to face reality that we aren't superstar.
An open area for Bollywood dance
Varun Dhawan's wax figure. Even wax looks so good looking.
Can we dance and develop some packs?
Whoever Wax figure has a moustache tends to look realistic.
He is such a tall figure.
Shahid Kapoor - Wooow. It seemed this zone is showcasing all the aesthetic-winners?
He looks so chill in the studio.
A perfect example for the handsome and a nerd in the same picture.
oooo One superstar is taking a selfie.
He is Karan Johar.
M wanted to join the selfie.
Hey! Karan, look at the camera!
Live poster session - interesting concept!
Looking cool!
If there is no reflection on the glass, the picture will look great of me doing crazy stunt.
Oh! She is another goddess - Sridevi.
Trying to match this goddess.
After finished the first zone, it led us to the next - Images of Singapore.

This zone seemed familiar...
Don't know why I felt like I have been here before...
Look at the blue face - I remember that blue face... Looked like William Farquhar.
Alright William, let's see what you have on your treaty. Actually, based on history, you were assigned as Singapore's First Resident and you had many positive achievements in Singapore's first development, but you had not followed what Raffles had assigned you. So... we will still thank you for the first hard work. We know it was not easy.
Does M agree with me?
Let's explore the past of Singapore
Singapore was used to be a small forested kampong (village) and governed by a sultan.
But after that, due to the ideal geographical location for trading from East to West, it becomes a free port for businesses.
In the past, there were tigers roaming on the small island too.
That didn't slow the growth of Singapore when she was executed with great foresight and blueprints of development.
I wondered what would I be doing if I lived in the past of Singapore.
Let's go through the journey and find out more
As a poor man like me, I will definitely work as a labour worker
Or pulled a trailer?
or Someone who worked physically...
Or someone who just sit and chill...
Taking care of kids...?
I can believe the life in the past was much simpler and raw
Like watching a show... It might not have a 50+ inch TV screen... But it was filled with imagination and entertainment which we might not be able to comprehend.
Even selling porridge can be so simple.
Can sense this auntie must be the queen of the street, the influencer in the past.
Will I get a superhero costume make here?
Something which died in the past...
Singapore is a multi-racial country where the kids can make friends with other races easily.
Women also carried the work load for supporting their families.
Like this famous Samsui woman, also as Hong Tou Jin, 红头巾, which means "red bandana", because of the red cloth hats they wore at work.
I wondered why she will put a brick on her head... OH! It was because of some troll like me, placed it on top of her head...
I wondered how did the people in different races communicate to one another
Must be an interesting scene
Like me only know Chinese, and how to tell the boss the type of fruits that I was looking for?
Have you ever used this phone before?
In the past times, there were many good things but bad things would also follow...
World War II Japanese Occupation...
Dead bodies were everywhere...
Most refugees (our grandparents) would hide under thick vegetation to avoid plane detection.
Everyone was living in the dark and hoping the light can return from its dawn sooner...
After a few years of suffering, the wars had ended... but the price to pay was so great... we can only hope it will never happen again...
After the wars, this little red dot had started to pick up itself, become independent and strong until now.
Anyway, after the 2nd Zone, we had come to the third zone - Spirit of Singapore boat ride.
The only short boat ride in Madame Tussauds
You will see those iconic figures, events and buildings which uniquely Singapore.
And so we are too - uniquely us.
kind of blurry because the boat was moving and it was taken in the dark.
Singapore Airport - the Singaporean proudest port ever.
The F1 Singapore night race which not for the poor and only a few seconds of viewing and the noise of the cars speeding by for a high price. NOPE! I will never pay for it!
Dying Chinese Opera... If they can make some modification onto their costumes and make-up, might save the culture but... NOPE.
Impressive and detailed sculptures on the temple.
Unknown famous people. Skip! Hahaha
After a short ride, we will move to forth zone - History and Leaders, where the world's greatest thinkers, leaders, and influential figures are placed.

ooo! Our Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong! So fortunate to have a close-up shot with you!
Yusof Ishak - our First president and forever in our wallet watching us...
Soekarno was an Indonesian politician who was the first president of Indonesia. I don't even have a BIG badge on my chest.
Oooo! President Obama! He is one of my respectable people.
Mr Lee Kuan Yew and his wife - they look alive here.
Some of the famous leaders here. They look so real.
Dear Queen, may we sit on your throne for a quick-photo? :)
This one is new - Mr Xi Jinping. :)
Wow! Feng Tianwei! Looks so real! I got star-struck!
Mr Muhammad Ali, Did you give my star-punch just now?
Fandi Ahmad - One era famous SG soccer player!
OH! that is err... who is that badminton player? Looks like Han Aiping. OH! Yes, I know that goaler! Tiger made of Wood!
Yao Ming!
Check out his height and that length!!!
Err... WHO!? OH! Sachin Tendulkar! I am smart right? because Mr Google told me about it.
Christiano Ronaldo. Who doesn't know this demi-god, must be from Hade.
Serena Williams - She looks like a real-life person!
oh! Mine! Another Demi god here - David Beckman! Check this out! Demi god and Commoner; Alpha and Beta; eight packs and one world.
BRUCE LEE!!!!!!!!
And everyone favourite poses in front of Bruce.
I will figth with him! I am no Demi-God but at least I am Asian! HAHAHA!
Can be as skillful and popular as Jacky Chan!
please teach this nerd some skill, Jacky.
Oh! This was where this museum got its name which until now, I don't know how to pronounce it.
Audrey Hepburn - Perfect movie poster and spoiled by ugly uncle here
Marilyn Monroe - my first star-struck when I was very young. :3
ET! Honestly, I have not watched this movie at all! Hahaha But I heard a lot about it!
But still can be part of the iconic scene
Just Marilyn was my first star-struck. Tom Cruise is my 2nd Western Star-struck. He is so perfect in many ways when he was young except his brain. As you can see the whole facial features, we are taking two different sides - handsome and ugly. hahaha.
Mr Andy Lau - the older he got, the more handsome he got. But when he was younger, he was my Asian Tom Cruise image. hahaha.
Ooooo! Hasta la vista, baby! Arnold Schwarzenegger! I have difficulty pronouncing his name too. I will pronounce as "Arnold Sock-so-naked"! Hmmm... I guess... I am still right too!
If I am really getting a bike... Harley Davidson will be my type of bike! Just want to feel like an alpha man once.
I bet a pretty girl will agree with me :)
A gallery of famous Singers and others here which we can't complete.
M's family needed her to attend, so we can't complete the last zone at Madame Tussauds but we had a great time there. Try to give yourself time to take pictures, close to someone whom we don't get any close contact with.


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