Sunday, December 20, 2020

Trip - Trick Eye Museum

Good Morning Blog,

Today I was on my way to a slightly impromptu invite from M apart from Monday appointment. She asked me to go to Trick Eye Museum where I always wanted to go since we have free 100 voucher from our government to boost the economy and encourage Singaporeans to spend some time locally.

Today weather seemed perfect
Oh yes! Blog, let me introduce M to you.
This is M - joyful and fun-loving lady
Finally, after passing by this place multiple times, today was my day to visit this museum.
Singapore First 3D+AR Museum. Wooow AR some more? I guess today I will focus on 3D and leave AR in my next visit. (At least, I set some aim to revisit :)
I will wish to visit some dino museum and I think I missed it... For now, I will wait for its comeback.
M which way are you going to? The entrance should be another side.
Let me go!
I want to kiss this girl again. Come on! Selfie mode.
Got our tickets and ready to enter!
Wooooow... Looks like a big playground!
There are a total of six zones in Eye Trick Museum. Each zone doesn't seem to have any specific theme and kind of random depending on the size of the displays.

Become a Tin Man here
I wanted to do more crazy stunts but I shall keep it as it is. hahaha
Serving M the queen
Or Crazy Prince here
Come! M. Show this man some moves.
M seemed worrying to disappoint this man.
I shall learn some dance moves from him and he is a wonderful dancer. Touch my heart.
So that I can get this lady in red with a hover hand but I swear I didn't touch her waist too! This is Hover Hand Level 75!
Who said I can't do any trick? XD
Standing on a giant rubik!
Usually, I will just sit on it XD
M, why can't we just chill first? LOL
I see because Rain is coming.
Should I do something crazy here too? XD okay... too many eyes.
If there are eyes around, then just admire the painting :)
WILD Giant baby spotted! get ready my Pokeball!
But I was captived by it! Save me!
I knew you are a gentle giant. So sorry that I used a pokemon ball on you. :3
Art of Love? I will say... Hard truth that we Lack of Height.
This one was rather difficult to snap because of the lighting and angle.
Wild hungry snake appears! Eat M will do! HAHAHA!
We just send an elephant to fight that giant snake.
Need some shelter?
Yes! We need some shelter to hide away from the fight between the giant snake and elephant.
One of my favourite pictures taken today, with the fishes around us but...
It turned out the fishes just want to eat us up!
Taken down into the fish's stomach... We are doomed.
After we opened our eyes, we are flying! Sky diving! :D
and we landed at bamboo forest safely.
hey hey M, look! There is a panda!
Okay okay! I am wrong! It is not a panda! It is a tiger. You win you win! Don't eat my head!
When will I win? Hahaha! I win by height!?
Alright alright... He wins.
I am not bad myself too.
After checking...
I regret checking... I lost.
next stop, let's cross to the next zone. Sorry Croc for stepping on you.
Time to look for Fairy God Sister to bless us and wash our bad luck away before proceeding to the next place.
We have to cross this bridge to another side.
This log seemed sturdy and should be safe for everyone to cross.
We visited Mrs Death and have a tea session with her so that...
We are spared in any death here
We woke up from our grave and gave some death pass throughout.
Like this witch wanted to contain us into her globe...
but We are Safe from her magic! No fear of death!
Hey everyone :D
A wild wolf took M away!
Come on! Mr Wolf, take me away!
hey Kid, don't be shocked. We are as shocked as you!
I wondered this area is an Eye trick display or just display?
Please don't cart us.
Weird that suddenly, this area got rather quiet. Can't get anyone to help us to take pictures.
I decided to do some stupid stunt. Hahaha!
I guessed... M forgot to send me the picture of me with this display. LOL!
Anyone wants some candy along the way?
Sometimes just chilling is good.
This one was rather difficult to angle to get it right.
M stands for Mermaid?!
I am just a Nerdmaid.
Alright, M, let jump across this platform, I am here. JUMP!
HEY! I want this OPPA! He is mine!
Did you get that shot just now? Don't circulate that picture, okay... If not, Your head will be mine.
Giant bear? It is a Giant cub.
Another bridge to cross and be careful
oh dear! A sea serpent is attacking us. Fear not, we still have free from death ticket!
So magical when we were rescued by pegasus!
Yippee! Can really chill for now
oh! It was sent by Alice in Wonderland. We will save you Alice!
We were sent back to our world from Alice's wonderland. What an experience and let's do it again!
Let's hurry back home, M. I heard that you have a lesson to attend?
May I attend the lesson too?
Okay! I regret agreeing with M to attend her lesson...
Have to dance gracefully.
I shall do it in my style!
Time to travel to the next zone after those dancing...
Riding on Merlion!
M decided to show me her ultimate move. She can climb WALL!!!
I wish I can really do this handstand or convert my legs up to my arms.
What a sunny day today, isn't it? M
Don't know why mine is a rainy day.
After what we had gone through... We are ready to fight the final boss
For me, I don't know what am I doing. HAHaha!
Overall, Trick Eye Museum was not that crowded and allowed some shy mouses like me to pose at the display areas. Can you imagine when it is crowded... EVERYONE will be queuing, watching you making poses.... by thinking of it, makes me cringed. Trick Eye Museum has those AR function which you need to download their app to see the effect of it. I must say it is a refreshing idea but for people who don't know what is happening on your phone, will only make the poses awkward to watch...

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