Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Blog - June Overview

Hi Blog,

Looking back at my blogging life, I can't believe that I continue blogging. I feel happy that I have people dropping their encouragement and show supports in any way they can. With such supports which motivated me to be myself. I can't have everyone to like me for being nerdy and ugly, but I only live once, I should live it whatever I can. Thank you to my readers and supporters, hope to read more of your comments on my posts which will make a great difference and motivation in me.

New approach for my Overview post. I will pick one of my favourite pictures from May posts and make into my first blog image representation.
1st Jun 2020 -
Trisuit theme #35
6th Jun 2020 -
After Rained
7th Jun 2020 -
With my Childhood Friends
14th Jun 2020 -
Mt Imbiah Nature Trail
30th Jun 2020 -
Trisuit theme #36

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