Sunday, September 15, 2019


Hi Blog,

ZN invited me to visit to his granny's condo where he will be staying time to time, and I will take this chance to ensure his next living condition. Thanks goodness, the condo is amazing. Perfect place for him and since I am always ready for a swim...

Nice condo which I dream of staying...
Nice experience of visiting a condo which was newly built and people have yet to move in. It was a perfect time to take some underwater pictures! And I regret doing so...

I really do regret this...
I really love to take pictures in an uncommon places like this, which you don't use to see it. Plus thanks to my EX-FR100  Casio camera which has water proof property.
Thanks ZN for helping, I was getting ready
In water, we have to spam the shoot and hope for the best outcome.
I always want a shot which shows silent and still like this.
Time to help ZN for underwater shots
With his handsomeness and great physique (never have fat body), spiced up the underwater shot way better than me
Unlike me, either the surrounding was just overpowering and covering my ugly face or overall aesthetic (especially with me in the picture) just looked shxtty.
yeah... Totally can't see clearly...
Trying another side... Won't help too... Even photo knows how to hide my ugly face.
Trying to spam and managed to capture a decent shot of a fatty.
What if, we tried another side? Hmm... Seemed better.
ZN had a suggestion and yes, it worked great on him
Not on this nerd.
After that last shot... My camera started to shut down automatically and my greatest fear returned!

MY CAMERA WAS DEAD! That red light was a sign of death... It was its last word! The Camera cannot stand anymore ugliness of me and decided to drown itself...
And... the camera was no longer water proofed... The water got in and fried the system...
WHY!? I checked my history post - on 2018, I got a replacement (link) and it lasted for a year (link)... cannot be fixed... then I got another replacement this year (link) and now... ALL WATER FAULT! :,(

I can't get it fixed because of it was a 2nd hand item and not under warranty... I checked online, they still got some sale... Perhaps... I will get that again and might get a underwater cover if I really doing this again.

Sian... I have to pay for keeping the faith towards water proof product which failed.... Never ever believe water proofed property will last!


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