Thursday, September 19, 2019

Product - Another One

Hi Blog,

In my previous post (link), I spoiled my precious camera... I was stressed... because HAVE TO FORCE TO SPEND MONEY TO GET ANOTHER ONE!!!! Two cameras down within less than two years...
Hope this red one will make it last. I wanted to get a white one again but that seller got back to me too late.
The seller included a selfie stick which I already have two.
And she included a Monkey bag. Cute one. :)
Ah Another tripod stand! I guess the price I paid for worthed.
All the other cables.
Meanwhile, I stopped by to date a seller to sell me this Stray Sheep/Scampoo aka eSheep (one of my window favourite screenmates) and you can download it from here.
Buying this (cheap cheap for $3 a pair) was just reminded myself... The horned sheep (male) on the desktop just wondered around and stared in a distance seeking for the black sheep (female).
Now my black sheep won't be lonely anymore.
Anyway back to topic. Yup! Just look at my camera accessories.
Three cameras + one (gave to my student) Thank you for accompanying me for all these years. You healed me.
Hope the red one will last me long long time.
Not now, I got many other stuff to do.
I will have to pack up all the accessories and tidy my room for now. Thanks for spiced my life again and NO MORE UNDERWATER SHOOT!


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