Monday, September 30, 2019

Personal - September Randomness

Hi Blog,

After dividing Swimming and Jogging out from randomness, I decided to keep my swimming and jogging posts up to last dated like randomness post.

But so sorry... that my September posts kind of emo... I felt so down and demotivated. I hope I can recover sooner.

2nd Sep 2019 - Birthday celebration for three people whose birth dates in a row - Our school OM, 2nd OM and then AM. I was smiling but I left the room asap after this shot, because I can't last the smile...
3rd Sep 2019 - Today I felt a bit salty and emotional... I don't even have the mood to prepare my clean lunching... I felt like not doing anything... I can't lilt up myself... Every smile was forced... Hope I will be okay sooner...
5th Sep 2019 - 72kg?! My weight increased! Sigh... Already depressed... now the number made me feeling more depressed... Really so unmotivated....
9th Sep 2019 - My colleague N somehow felt that I was a bit down, so she dug out a quote to motivate me. :) Thank you N, It gave me a bit of energy to push myself to complete the sticker for my waifu. Is it great to see my waifu smiling? :D
10th Sep 2019 - School holiday so I decided to cycle to work. My mind was playing trick and lazy... Keep on finding excuses for not to cycle... oh well, I need to be free from the restraint and move forward again.
12th Sep 2019 - It seemed like the haze was coming back. Even though I felt it is still not that serious as compared to last time personally but you can sense the effect and continue to live our lives. As there is nothing we can do to change them than ourselves.
13th Sep 2019 - Despite hazy condition, I will still try to cycle to workplace and maintaining fat-growing. Trying to take pictures in a different location seemed challenging.
14th Sep 2019 - Sat Morning, the haziness had covered the sky. Mr Sun cannot be seen. I guess I will still go for a hike and Jn said that he wanted to go for a hike. Let's explore that place which I also wanted to.
15th Sep 2019 - Five more days later, ZN will be moving out. I am so sorry to get you into troubles especially with my mother. Thanks for being a good tenant and pardon me for being a lousy roommate. At least, I know that you will be staying at better place than here. Thanks goodness.
21st Sep 2019 - Due to Haze condition and busy schedule during this and next weekend, I barely have time to hike and jog... Worst of all... I had been eating and eating non-stop and turn so bloated... I don't feel good... Sick of eating... I felt that.. I might get Eating disorder... I am totally don't feel like eating...
24th Sep 2019 - One fine day, I passed by a music room in my workplace and I told myself... What if I learned just one music piece from YouTube? My favourite music piece - Moonlight Sonata. Since I don't know how to read the tadpoles/music score, all I can do is to remember the pattern. After five days, I managed to learn the first 25 sec of the music piece :) what a success
25th Sep 2019 - ZN moved out... And today was the day when we would be picked ZQ (my first tenant) at terminal 4. This picture is special because this is the only first picture taken by my brother.
26th Sep 2019 - Today was the start of PSLE and was asked to tasked as a toilet IC; Liaison officer. I guess... It will become my selfie moment. LOL!
30th Sep 2019 - what a busy weekend I had. Today was PSLE 3rd paper and I had to guard the toilet and felt sleepy. No choice but to walk around.

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