Monday, September 16, 2019

Swimming - Toa Payoh Swimming Complex

Hi Blog,

I realised that there were some older swimming complexes were scheduled for renovation. Sometimes, it was great to visit them before they changed. It served as a memory bank for my swimming life.

Hope to capture the Toa Payoh Swimming Complex at a better angle.
The grand entrance at Toa Payoh Swimming Pool - from such a spacious entrance, it seemed like Toa Payoh was once a popular spot for Singaporean swimmers.
The hazy sky made this place like a deserted complex.
Usually, there will be spawn waiting for parents and maids for their kids to finish their swimming lessons.
Love such an un-sheltered swimming pool.
The clean and spacious toilets are amazing too. It is one of the most numbered cubical slots among most pools I visited to date. Time to change!
Time to swim :)
Oh well... My camera spoiled (blog link) but I will do it with my phone for the moment until I get a new one (for the last time) So sorry... I am still untoned to spoil the visual. Sorry, but I did my best already, still not the best of how the fit ones take. Ohh well...

Toa Payoh Swimming Pool has closed down and you can read more about the legendary pool from Remember Singapore.


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