Thursday, September 26, 2019

Jogging - Sep Jogging

Hi Blog,

Sep jogging post over here! Mainly to ensure I keep jogging and completed (rotate) the trisuit theme.

So, it is how it should be done. :)
5th Sep 2019 - My mother told me to clear some errands and after I had done jogging, jogged to AMK and helped out my brother. Then my friend was on his way to pass me something.... and JM wanted to catch up... What a long day... I was so tied up with this... Ended up, I had to travel by buses by buses to clear the errands...
25th Sep 2019 - Due to my tight busy schedule and hazy condition, today, I got a chance to go for a short jog finally! Feeling great! And next, rush down for errand clearing.
26th Sep 2019 - Today what a perfect evening - cooling and hazeless weather. Have to go for a short jog because I foresee I won't jogging until the next month.

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