Sunday, September 8, 2019

Hiking - Finding Dat Place

Good Morning Blog,

Those days I felt rather lousy and unmotivated. I checked my last hike, it was like 2 months ago! (14th Jul 2019 - post link) Somehow I wondered is it because of that I didn't spend time in Nature and caused my insane mind and emotional?

Oh well... I need to hike to motivate my lazy butt...

Usual Sunday Morning I will receive calls from my swimming buddy for a swim but I rejected and told him that I need some time for myself; so this hiking was compulsory.
Still felt lazy... Like wanted to find a shorter route.
But my mother told me to go to Woodland (my sister's place) during noon time. I used this to push myself to...
complete one of the theme and...
Find a mysterious place so lets go!
Honestly my body was dragging me... Like... my emotions were rather heavy... like a parent trying to pull a kid who thinks sticking on the ground will increase its weight.
Jeffery! Don't think over it and GO!
Familiar neighbourhood but very sian...
To make it worse... The crowds did not help a lot...
My inner voices just kept on pressing me; I can't even have the mood to smile...
Well... I shall leave it to Mother Nature. Even Miss Sky was trying to cheer me up. *returned her a bitter smile*
After tree top zone, lesser crowds...quiet time.
Photo time!
Take picture with Mr Wood
Actually Mr Wood gathered his friends and comforted me silently. Thank you everyone
Finally made it half way.
OH! Mr Sun also came out! Yes, Mr Sun? Thanks for cheering me up.
After a while of self-talking, I felt much better now.
I have the energy to smile again.
Alright, come to a place which I am not familiarized.
The vegetation is rather different but unique too.
But hardly see any hikers passing this route... What if I got kidnapped here? That's dangerous.
Here is the spot.
I want to explore this place
Let's go!
While exploring newer route, I was motivated again!
I was worrying and excited... then...
OOPS! I entered to the wrong path... Face palmed...
No choice... If I turned back, I will be late to Woodland... So I continued to move forward and explore this new route.
It is a very silent place :) undisturbed.
just a straight path! Perfect to be spiderman :D
Two ways...
I shall go straight. (lucky I checked Google Map)
Dead End?!
Hmmm Dead end and I can't climb up the fence so... I went through the wood and found my exit. :)
That was where I was trapped.
After a while, the twist and turn... I realised whatever path that I was walking, is not showed on Google Map!

I came out to KPE. Oh dear... Hmm have to move to North. Can you imagine if you met an accident in the wood? You will be died. NO ONE at all.
Beside walking against the traffic... I found there is a clear path to North. Can you see it?
Have to climb up
Looking back, it is a clear path too :)
But it is a restricted zone. If got captured. I will be so dead too...
I like the tranquil vibe here. :) but too HOT here
Still a long way to go.
Oh dear... No other way to cross this area beside...
Crossing on the pipe
But got struck by this "peacock".
After a long unsheltered walk, I don't complain because it is the safest route and BEST for photo :D I will come back again... At least, I felt much better from the trap I got in myself. Feeling free!
Achievement :) and I will do it again.
Got some tan line. I should just walk in trunk to get perfect tanning XD
Anyway... Thanks Nature for healing me. I feel a lot better despite the issues still unsolved. I will say, don't make it worse is the best strategy for the moment.


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