Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Product - New Face Shell

Hi Blog,

Last month, I bumped to one Carousel seller named S....suits. He was selling an affordable and customised faceshell for Spiderman. So before I spent a large sum of money on a serious faceshell, I should give this a try.

After nearly a month of waiting, the faceshell had arrived. Let me show you the product.
It will be a short post.

Nice and proper packing
oooooo It is a foamed Faceshell.
He cut and glued them together. I must say it is a neat job.
Even though some parts can be better but I understand it is not easy
After struggling to put the lenses properly, This is the best I can get.
I tried out my past faceshell and it turned out, it looked funny as compared to the new one (above)
I tried on my Tron spidey mask, somehow it doesn't suit it well.
Tomorrow will be the actual event to show my Spiderman costume to my colleagues. Hope it is a positive response.
This Faceshell really made my cosplaying as Spiderman a serious and cool one.
Oh yes... Usually, I will put detail and provide a link to the seller but I don't... I guess I had pixxed off the seller... After I got the item, he just STOPPED talking to me anymore, after all... I had been asking updates of the making of the mask (as he promised he will) and will update me the process. Oh well... I was thinking to get some more from him... I guess I will make it last, have to apologise to him of me being a shxtty buyer and wish him all the best.

Sigh... I am already "not good enough"... now I failed to make a simple transaction a pleasant one... What a shxtty person I am... okay okay... I should not invest my thought to negativeness; I need to savage the remaining positiveness I have to live my days.



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