Saturday, July 16, 2016

Jogging - Jog to Lower Pierre Reservoir and Exploring New Path

Hey Blog,

I had planned to do jogging more often, kind of forgetting of my Fatbike. It was because I decided to stay overnight at my brother's new house and he doesn't like I park my fatbike into his new house because my bike stained his white painted wall. So I decided to do a morning jogging to Lower Pierre, as I have not visited that place for months. 

Ahh..... beautiful and peaceful
Love the scenery
I decided to explore new path, I always curious where this path leads to. 
Leading up
It was a dead end up but I found a small path on my left side
It leaded to a deserted place, but I heard birds littering the seeds from the trees.
After a left turn, I found a long stair
Continued to walk toward the end and I heard rusting from my right and found a family of Wild Boars.
Thanks God that they didn't charge to me.
End of the path
It is one side of the drain
I believe it will be a running water when it rains.
Walking back
Before I jogged back, posed for today
Hope I can continue this workout
I guessed I must not give up in workout, must maintain even though I am fat.


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