Thursday, July 28, 2016

Personal - Celebrating YaoMing's Birthday

Hi Blog,

After celebrated my birthday and Fox was just a few days after me, I decided to give him a small surprise party too. My plan was to have a small group of people having a simple dinner with Fox and then have another group surprise him with cake. 

Dinner group I managed to get JJ and XR, and for Cake group I got EK and WQ. We decided to have simple dinner at Zi Zai vegetarian. (facebook page)

Just bought this for Fox.... Purpose is to remind him to keep his innocence. Oh well... Too childish I guess...
food at Zi Zai :)
Around 8pm, we had finished 80% of the food and Cake-group has not ready yet... As Fox decided to go and get a drink, he saw EK and WQ chatting with one of the staff at Zi Zai, and the whole plan had blowed away....

Present his favourite cake - Matcha Cake. 
Let's make a wish
have our wefie session!
the Matcha cake tasted GREAT!
Thank you one of the Zi Zai staff for this picture
Thank you Fox for being my trusted, non-judgmental and supportive friend, buddy bro. 


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