Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Hi blog,

I was so excited to share with you that I found FAIRY RING today! That morning, I noticed there are many mushrooms growth every ground.

I found this party of fungus near my workplace but no sign of circle is formed in this mess.
I told myself that I must find one successful ring.
And what do you know....... God allowed me to fulfill my wishlist, I found a successful ring behind a mosque - Masjid Alkaff Kampung Melayu. Not one but two rings! :D

Overview of the two rings found.
Another one.
look at this one! almost perfect!
I have an idea to take a picture with me in this.
I tried to secure my phone on a unstable platform, once it secured and timer set. I dashed to the center of the ring and posed with my thumbs up! Thanks God!

Thumb up and my phone started to drop... which chopped my face off when it started to take picture.
NO no nooooooooo!
this was the last shot of my phone fell.... and my phone screen (tempered glass) cracked.
I guessed I can't put it upright but tilted to secure my phone.
So I just lie down with my broken phone.
My phone and I entered to another dimension based on the myth but I had to thanks God for allowing me to embrace this and it also got me changed a new tempered glass which doesn't give me troubles of touching. Thanks God for everything. :)


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