Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hiking - Hike with my Ex-pupils

Hey Blog,

Today was a happy experience when I got to hike with my ex-pupils, Eugene and YueMin, together with my childhood brother, Wilson. We decided to hike from MacRitchie to Bukit Timah to Singapore Quarry.

As this is their first time visiting such places

so I Showed them the tranquillity level of MacRitchie 
Visit Tree Top :) Hahaha they simply awed throughout.
Finding some new Fun guys (fungus)
Shxt I can't focus properly!!!!!!!
Weird looking fungus
what happened to this fungus, why?
Ooooo the culprit trying to escape from the crime scene. hahaha
I am the shortest among them
Oh well...  Just Smile!
Must also include the tallest one. Hahah
They were so tired until they saw the quarry, they have completely forgotten about their tiredness
let's do Jump shot!
Wilson can't jump anymore
One more time!
Overall distance and timing were covered today!
Glad to accompany my ex-pupils on this short journey of hopefully-a-lifetime journey or journey toward the Light. May Heaven bless them a chance.


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