Monday, July 25, 2016

Personal - My Birthday Celebration on Monday 25th July

Hi Blog,

Happy Birthday to me!!! The 25th July is my Birthday! :D 

My auntie gave me a simple token of appreciation. Thank you Aunt.
And when I reached my desk in school, I found these.

Chocolate from Mr C. :) How sweet of you!
Thank you SHYA but.. those nuts aren't suitable for vegetarian...
but I appreicated your gift. :)
I got a card and red packet from school leaders. :D Thank you!
Received this from a Pretty teacher, Miss Chris.
Thank you! :)
Tea boxes and salted potate chips from Gw.
hahaha you know the best. :)
I rewarded myself with a new pair of white spectacles, How do I look?
When I reached home, my mother cooked for me special dishes which she claimed that she was trying new ingredients. Thank you Mother.

With red thingy and white radish
Standard but more mushrooms!
What a simple celebration for the day :D I was happy.


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