Saturday, August 8, 2020

Hiking - Lost of Track

Hi Blog,

This week was a long weekend, what will I do for the first day of the long weekend? Yes! Hiking but where it will be?

Woke up very early today and getting myself ready
The weather was good today :)
Wear my favourite white coloured mask and with a National Logo
LOL! Empty Concourse! HAHAHA!
Travel to Caschew Station to wait for J. He wanted to explore a place where I planned for today and I have yet explored.
Time for us to chase the morning sun and thanks J for helping me to take most of the pictures here. It is always great to have someone help to take pictures which can help with my blog content.
Mr Sun warmed up the morning for us. :) Nice warm feeling.
Have to start from Zhenghua Park and walk along the pipeline to that unexplored area
Peaceful morning park is a great workout
Yes! A perfect shot which I always want on a rock. At least got someone to help me on the picture because I won't look weird to set up a tripod to self-take picture while passersby throw me an awkward stare
After a smooth terrain, time to walk on grassy terrain. It seemed like a few months ago since my last visit.
Let's follow me on this trail.
oooo! The first thing which caught my attention...
A tall grass caught my attention. I didn't know what was ahead of us... The first tall grass had already warned us on something.
Previously, here will be filled with hobbyists to play their remote-controlled car. Due to social distancing, they aren't around.
Cycling mud trail is everywhere here. Thanks goodness that there was no rain yesterday as It was muddy if there was rain, it will become worse.!
Thanks to those who actually placed logs for an easy safe walkthrough. Thank you for saving our shoes from the mud.
Just look at the THICK TALL GRASS! WAH!
besides tall grass, there is tall-growing mimosa growing everywhere.
Alright then, let's focus on the hike
Have to walk on the logs and stones slowly and with cautious.
A Frog lays its egg in the water, which tells us there will be raining these days.
As you can see the trail, that also told us, this pipeline trail has regulars to make this trail on check.
It seemed like a long way to clear.
Finally we were approaching to the unexplored place sooner
My favourite uphill photo moment - not sunny and blue sky is a perfect moment,
Thank you J for helping. I can think of many shots but I don't wish to drag and disgust you further
Last shot and we shall continue our trail.
Up here, we found a path into the wood.
Just beside where I took my pictures at... Hmm... perhaps I should go in to try the unexplored trail.
The entrance of the unexplored trail seemed clear
Like Wood Cutter,  the trek is quite clear, it is still manageable.
What a quiet wood, don't you think so?
(Credit J) Eye-level shots in the wood are amazing.
After trying to walk within the unexplored terrain, it can be unsafe for the beginner to try this trail. For me, I just don't like mosquitoes in the wood so we exited the trail quickly. After we exited, I was near to the place I want to explore.

As you looked at the map. There is a trail located at Track one-six.
Right over there
Track one-six. The reason why didn't I just say it as T16 because of...
Proceed in
Here is the reason why I didn't want to type out the actual name of the place because it is a protected location. I guess that I will let it be unexplored so I won't encourage others to try this track.
Back to the pipeline trail up to Marsiling. The tall-growing grasses had taken over the untrimmed land
Look at the height of the grasses!
oh wait! Let's me put away my bag and take another shot again. Hahaha! Shameless me.
Oh man oh man! Look at the grasses consuming the pipeline. If it continues for a few months, we won't be able to see the ground and drain gap/opening.
Check it out. I almost fall off from the pipeline. Dangerous.
So must take picture of me as a peacock! Hahaha!
Seriously. I can imagine those who started their first hiking experience here, will have a nightmare.
Hope one day, it will properly maintain and safe again.
Thanks J for helping me today. I can imagine if I am alone. With such....
Tall grasses... I have no place to put my camera anywhere
Thanks God, there is no rain. Really. Imagine if there was rain, every single foot will be soaking wet.
Almost completed, come on :D
What an experience today, almost consumed by the grasses
After completion of the grassy hike, I decided to find some of my older posts where I walked along the pipeline trail. Here are the posts which you can check the condition of the terrain before CB - 8th Sep 2019, 28th Oct 2019, 18th Jan 2020, 9th Feb 2020 and 15th Feb 2020; a showcase of different of maintenance and none.

I think back, it is good that we walked on those trails because we are leaving a trail for future hikers and they will also leave a trail for the future hikers so that everyone will be safe. We did some impact and influence to future.
unsatisfied but yet satisfied. :) Time to go back home for other errands.
Tired and itchy legs... because of the tall-grasses brushing its fine hairs on our legs.
Happy National Day to SG. Thanks for a safe place to stay.


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