Saturday, January 18, 2020

Hiking - New Upgrade

Good Morning Blog,

Today morning I decided to complete the hike loop which I set for myself. You may check my previous post out here. I got something special to upgrade Mr Photographer.

Packing my bag
My mother bought me a tripod
This is one big tripod
Will have to think of a way to use it
It might come in handy
This seemed like someone taking pictures of me, but I did it alone. Hahaha
Greeted by these beautiful Morning glories
I am ready!
Weekends are the days when visitors will go to the nature park, so I will hike along the road
Enjoy the moment of being alone... reflecting how a loser and loner I am...
Sometimes... I just don't dwell in it too long... oh yeah, by the way, Do you think it will be possible to snap a picture alone? hahaha Credit the tripod
Time to move on
Usually, without a tripod, I will try to find a higher platform
If there is no heavy traffic, it will become my photo session. Hahaha!
My first stop of my hike
Upper Seletar Reservoir
And our iconic location - Rocket Tower. Let me hop in
Rocket Tower
It was rather challenging to know where I should stay without help from Mr Photographer. I have to imagine and try a few rounds of snapping to get somehow right.
At least I got this right :)
But Mr Photographer can capture this easily and without me looking at Mr HW
I love this place :) 
let's try out the new upgrade here
Mr HW has one of the best digital effects - the depth of field (fake).
Second round of trying, have to smile to Mr HW in order to take pictures and Mr Sun told me that it was enough. Then I shall help Mr HW to take a picture
Smile Mr HW (lonely people doing lonely stuff)
Time to continue the hike
But... I still got judged by passersby...
I understand that... I don't have a good figure or possess a slim waistline like those youngsters with good genes...
but rather I just gave up and let my body expanded whatever it wanted, I won't even be here. Plus I don't feel comfortable to the gym with limited time and wallet size... Whatever I have now, I do it for myself. 
Finally, I had arrived at the second stop where I stopped last month and time to continue the loop
Just when I get ready for the shot, Mr HW captured me at the moment shot. It reminded me that it is the most natural and genuine smile I have there. Thanks Mr HW
I looked back, that is all my hard work without gyming and watching my diet. Not the BEST like others, but definitely, I am working hard towards it. If not, I might become like this. Won't that make me even more depressed? Contented is the KEY ingredient which I need to cultivate spiritually.
So, Continue to Smile, Jeff. You deserve it. Thank you, Blog and many other supporters out there.
Jia you for myself
Mr Photographer wanted to try a shot and it snapped.
Mr Photographer was trying to flex to Mr HW that he can do jump shot without any problem, so one plus point for him.
Enough flexing session, I had to move on but Mr HW was showing off that he is accessible as compared to Mr Photographer. Well, Mr HW got a point.
Mr Sun was strong today but Miss Cloud helped to control him for a while.
Mr Photographer wanted to flex here, he wanted to show the hike is not always on flat land, it will have slope and lonely.
But with the new upgrade, it helps a lot
Oops I realised that Mr HW was at low batt life and I still have a long way to cover, I have to hurry up
Oh dear... My legs started to... scream to give up
I had to double my steps
Oh! Third stops of my hike - Zhenghua playground and no one was there.
I think through, I really need to move on from the past. If not, I will be struck on the past-web for too long and might die there without trying to free myself.
I have to see further away
Or I rather struck in this past-web because I conditioned to it?
Finally found a stone with the landmark name for my collection
Okay okay I had to fight for time now. No more photo taking, as Mr HW was dying sooner.
As I was completed 80% of the hike, I just pushed Mr HW's limit. hahaha. MORE pictures since you have the upgrade.
At 90%, I gave another push which Mr HW only left 9% battery life.
Miss Rain was coming sooner which I had already covered 99% of my hike.
And it started raining when I reached near my home.
My legs were burning and time to take a good nap for now.
Oh man, I can't believe that I made it! :D What an achievement. :) Will try again next time.
Overall, having a new upgrade will help the photo and I will carry it out, and who knows it might come in handly when I need it.


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