Monday, October 28, 2019

Hiking - Straight Path

Happy Deepavali Blog,

It will be a plain and simple hiking post because I just wanted to empty my mind, totally have no thought over whatever happening in my life and wanted to try out one thing for this morning hike alone.

This was one of my regretful stuff to carry out for my hiking. LOL! Let's go :)
Good morning Mr Sun! You are happy today.
Oh yes! Happy Deepavali to you, Mr Sun.
Somehow regretful when I walked halfway through... bunky...
Today was a public holiday so... MacRichie was just filled with visitors
Yes... Full of visitors
I got stared by the visitors because of what I had carried and my untoned physique in trisuit... Oh well...
Finally, came to the spot where lesser visitors will cover
Today hike, I wanted to try to walk on one of the straight paths in Singapore shown on Google map below.
This was the path which I will explore today
beginning of the straight path
I wanted to do a good deep thought but...
my mind just went blank...
Maybe because I just lost a great deal of motivation over myself... Anyway, shall we continue the path?
Maybe I was feeling somehow lousy over at myself...
Recently, many people around me throw me many relationship suggestions and advice to get me into a relationship...
I felt like being tied up...
I tried to find a way to find a reason why I feel empty...
I suspected my depression just came back
I knew that if I started to explore deeper, I will feel more frustration, negativity and upset with myself...
That's why I just wanted to empty my mind...
I took up my phone and checked Youtube, I bumped into one video which happened to come at the right time.
Since I am an INFJ. He shared something which explained how I "feel". It was a good feeling to have someone who shared the similarity with. I agreed with him at the last section of his video, I have to pull myself out, let LIVE AT THE MOMENT!
Back to reality. Hmm.. Something fishy in a distance.
A group of guys under the bridge... What were they doing?
Are they peeing together???
OOOO! interesting! They were having some mini kart games under a bridge. :) Nice to have such a hobby.
Continue to explore up and remembered why I am on this journey.
I guess... I just keep on walking like this straight path. Just keep walking.
I was actually feeling tired to be tied down to my mind jail... I believe I will get better time to time. so Based on my past experience and depression. I had improved greatly even though I have many areas to look into. I guess... I will be okay. I will be okay... I know I will.
Just need someone to ensure me that I will be alright. Oh well, let's move on :)
It seemed like I had come to the place where I found this. (in this previous post)
I shall stop my journey here :) Next time I will continue up there
Here was the spot why I hiked today
Too bad the sky wasn't that nice though.
Time to show the power of my Gauntlet
Pose and photo-edit to make it Epic as served it as my phone wallpaper.
Time to transform
half way make up
DONE! Honestly, while I was "makeup-ing" the opposite side of me, was an expressway, they can see me clearly changing and I noticed a group of people (who sat near the window) on the bus, looking at my distance. Oh well... Thanks goodness, they didn't take out their phone in time.
I wanted to take more pictures but... A few newly - arrived cyclists saw me from the top, and they were coming up to find out what I was doing.
Time to hide from them but my camera just revealed that I was here so can't hide away from the curious, kapo-cyclists. LOL. Can't escape from their attention...
Time to head back to Zhenghua Park and I will be here again
Interesting and quiet park :) Today I walked for 20km and will do it again :)
See the straight path again. Thanks for healing me.



  1. Hope you feel better now. Maybe it was just a spell of loneliness and depression.
    Btw, so interesting that there are such unspoiled tracks of greenery. I thot SG was a concrete jungle. 🤭 But don't know to go. 🙄 It's Bt Timah is it?

    1. Hi unknown. Yeah I agree with you, it is a spell of loneliness and depression. Hope I can find peace with it.
      Yes SG got some unexplored greenery, not as impressive as oversea but, will still make it worked.
      It is near bukit timah, you don't know how to go? Haha need some help from me? Hope you can find it.

  2. Thanks for direction. Ya Google map gives clear direction to Thomson NP, though must change bus a few times.😒 But at least can find the way. No admission fee, I hope..
    But this straight path has no destination to Google.😒 Maybe that's why it's unspoiled.🤭

    1. Haha that straight path doesn't show on Google map but you can start from this Dropped pin

      You can try it :) let me know whatever you can find the route or not

  3. Ok thanks. Dismal rain. Maybe I try on a sunny day in Dec. Must clear my work for now first. 👌

    1. 😊 Let me know how is your experience

    2. Gee sorry, I still haven't explored yet. Weather been dismal, only cleared up 2day. Re-reading your blog, I realize if I go alone, I may not find the way out even if I Google the way in.🤔 So "chickened out"- haven't gone yet. 🤭😒

    3. Ah I see. Thanks for dropping by my blog again. Hmmm... If lost, you can try again and again. if not, I can guide you along through messages or unless you need my present. haha

    4. Ha, you're free? Working as teacher n having holidays, is it?
      Weather is fine this morning but changes so unpredictable.

    5. Is it too much for me to tag along if next time you happen to trek again? (I feel safer this way.) Pending on your availability n I'm free that day. If you oblige, easier to find me on Line id greenolive65 than message here on blog. Whatever it is, thanks for your blog guides. 🙏

    6. Haha no more working as teacher so school holiday I am still have to work.
      Weather will be fine in the morning. I don't mind having others tagging, I am just worrying that my untoned physique and boring personality will be an eye/mind-sore. I tried to search you on Line but failed to get your ID.

    7. hahaha I see. Added. :)
      Thanks for your encouraging words


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