Sunday, August 30, 2020

Hiking - Quarries Visit

Good Morning Blog,

Am I ready to push myself further? Tired - Yes. Moody - Halve. Positive - Trying. Today I planned to go for a hike and ZN stayed near me and all times ready to go for a hike.

Take it as an opportunity to push myself forward.
Okay! ZN knocked at my door. Let's go! Let's bring him to visit some quarries which he has not visited before. So let's bring him around.

ZN wanted to have breakfast before going on a hike. For me... I just don't take breakfast as I am planning to go on 16 hours fasting for three months. Hope it works well for me.
What 16 hours fasting you meant?

Have you heard about 16/8 intermittent fasting?
Intermittent fasting involves daily fasting for 16 hours. Sometimes this is also referred to as an 8-hour eating 'window. ' You eat all your meals within an 8-hour time period and fast for the remaining 16 hours.

From what I had read, I can drink water during the fasting. :) From what I see, as long as NO MORE FOOD after dinner, spam drinking water is the way to go. As for breakfast, usually I have been skipping my breakfast (no time for it) and I don't drink water that frequently, as too focus on work. So I can go on water diet in the morning until 12pm, then from 12 to 8pm, will be my normal. After 8pm, back to drinking water. My daily workout as usual. Sounds like a plan. :D Let's see whether I can maintain for another three more months.

Back to title, Thanks ZN, he will be helping me to take pictures. Thanks for helping and in exchange, I will do it for him.

First shot and first time of a shot of me at the platform.
Usually I will go back home from this station after quarries visit but today, I did in reverse.
Yes :) Rocks with names. I will post one about Rocks with name next month.
Yes! Finally, complete the last rock for my rock with names collection. If anyone of you knows some which I missed out, please let me know.
A shot of Singapore history foundation/resource. Without these, there won't have any tall building.
Good morning Meow meow. Nice to have you posing for the picture. :)
Hmm... it got fenced up... Why why why
Hi Little Guilin Quarry :) Long time no see.
So calm here. :)
Glad to be here again to remind myself why I started hiking as my hobby. Not for health but just to connect to nature.
These few days I had been unmotivated. I guessed it is a great reset to motivate myself again. Let the past begone. 
Time to turn myself around and face the sun again. Thanks Mr Sun, always there for me.
Even cold blooded animal will need to sunbath to warm itself than taking coldness long period.
Hi Little critter. You know your whiteness can't camouflage here, right? :)
I guess I will have to suntan for a while too. Warm and sunny in the morning.
Or just hide under the shade?
Get me a rope and it will be a cool scene
ZN took a picture of me taking pictures in the wild. Geee... I am so untoned...
Okay! Done!
Time to go! We spent too long here.
Don't underestimate the power of Huawei camera, it got better and without adjust the lighting, it still able to show our face even when the light is strong behind.
A big tree log spotted, floating in the lake. Many months ago since I visited here (my last visit was like Jan 2019, here). I wondered what had happened here.
Trying my best to capture this spider web and ZN tried to unglam me with his phone
After Little Guilin, next stop - Bukit Batok Nature Park.

The humility level in the morning was not enough to create a light ray effect.
As it got too bright... If it had a light ray effect, will be great for me to "shower" in it.
I guessed a picture of me with this unique rock + plant, is good enough. Just live at the moment.
A couple of White-crested laughingthrush got close contract with the park visitors. It is a highly social and vocal bird found in the park here. They produce the "loud cackling outbursts" where they got its name of Laughingthrush.
One of the beautiful quarries in Singapore. If accompany with classic Chinese music, it will add some colours to the scenery.
Thanks ZN for helping me to take pictures with my phone
And compare to my own camera. It has different taste and feel from different tools.
Time to walk up to another spot at Bukit Batok Nature Park<./td>
Honestly, the crowds were really too "suffocating", how I wish I can take pictures at peace and make some eggs here too.
ZN has not recovered from his leg sore, so going down slope is one way to ease him.
My fellow readers if there is any. Do spend some time to visit Bukit Batok Nature Park. It is a nice park to visit.
A snap of me with my bro, ZN. Thanks for accompanying and motivate me in anyway. Hope you and your new GF will work things out.
Alright, what is next?

Yes! Let's me bring you to Singapore Quarry!

OKay... I regret... I can't breathe... As compared to last time, there is hardly any visitors going to Singapore Quarry!
Trying my best to give a bitter smile and drop some cold sweat
Anyway, since we were here, let's clear this from our list and ZN's list.
Welcome to Singapore Quarry.
The crowds... OMG... Sunny and filled with visitors!
Some history about Singapore Quarry
Won't it be great when there is no human around?
Okay! Fishes are excusable.
I guess I will snap a picture here and leave ASAP.
As the crowds just kept on coming.
Seriously... After CB, the crowds just got "aggressive" or "intrusive"... I will hike during weekday (leave) to avoid crowds.

I noticed the railway track is under renovation... I wondered how to go up to take a look
We will have to cut through the tall grasses to get to...
This track. Aww... I missed this place. It seemed like they are working on something here
Preserve the old by cement the side than leaving loose rocks.
I will miss the time when we able to walk on loose rocks (in the track) than fake "loose rocks" at the side.
Feel the moment.
I can imagine the train is coming...
I can remember there was a scene (below) which I will like to imagine...
I won't mind to simulate the scene but no one can help... Hahaha.... Wild idea. (I did it on this post)
Very easily judged by others if I shared such ideas with anyone... So In my imagination will do.
Time to go back home since ZN's leg started to sore badly.
Then we just went around Circleline to find Wink+ posters and collect points together to end our hike.
Thanks for helping me on pictures taking. I will come back again on next Monday after my appointment if anyone wants to join me for an afternoon hike. (Click here to read more)


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