Friday, August 28, 2020

Jogging - August Jogging

Hi Blog,

Yes my August jogging post again. Getting bored? I hope you are not. After revising my overview and randomness posts, I was thinking to combine my jogging and swimming under Update but it will be not organised. SO jogging and swimming post will be an individual post but I will only publish this until end of the month.

Aug Jogging begins!
4th Aug 2020 - If you think that I like jogging. Honestly, I don't because I have no choice. If I have a choice and own demi-god genes, I will have done something else than controlling my fat to outgrowth. To push me forwards, Having a trisuit theme seems like working. Just keep running.
7th Aug 2020 - Long weekend is coming! YIPPEE! W asked me to go for a jog :) Yes! Let's motivate one another and chase the sun.
16th Aug 2020 - Feeling unmotivated today... Ground was wet... tummy is bloated... zero output for days... feeling meh... But ZN forced me to go for a jog with him by showing himself at the doorstep. Since he came all the way down, I will just accompany him and listen to his GF relationship.
20th Aug 2020 - I got so tired these days... Energy level drops. I just wanted to sleep and relax on my comfortable beanbag and become a potato. but I need to control that urge and go for a jog. I know that jogging won't have any slimming effect on me... But I know if I just let go, it will only get worse. So just go!
21st Aug 2020 - Sleepy these days. I guessed I don't have enough rest so after jogging, cleared some of my trisuit theme, dinner and a bit of gaming... I slept early. Rest is what I need for now.
27th Aug 2020 - Dress my skin trisuit again to complete some of my trisuit theme. I decided not to invest too much on my negativeness and whatever, can't tie up too long in the darkness. Time to motivate and push myself forward.
28th Aug 2020 - Time to stop invest the darkness and don't be so hard on myself. Let's motivate myself and also motivate W for a short jog. Time to chase the sun!

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