Hi Blog,
Today onward, I will start to combine overview and randomness posts altogether, and named it as Certain month Update. After viewing my First Randomness Nov 2016 (
link) and Overall Oct 2016 (
link) started at the same timing, revising the purpose of having overview and randomness.
Overview is just a first post gallery for the month for an easy overview, which also showcase those heavier content post. Randomness is for short and lighter post happening during the day for the month. Four years of writing overview and randomness, I always have to update overview date whenever I made changes at randomness post... so why not, I put both altogether? I will continue to leave the overview and randomness label for upcoming Update posts than having a new label. Hope you will like these new changes.
Aug Swimming dated 31st Aug 2020 |
Aug Jogging dated 28th Aug 2020 |
My other frequent update post will stay. Do stay in tune. |
Below will be my daily randomness posts together with my longer posts:
1st-2nd Aug 2020 - Aug First Weekend, Just a simple cycle and hike during those two days. (Click to read more) |
4th Aug 2020 - Time to spend with my garden. To look back, many of my Nepethenes just died and I can't do much to save those... But I glad these two Nep Truncata x Merilliana and Nep Rowania x Ampullaria, continued to live and grow with me. Thank you to my plants. |
5th Aug 2020 - I was asked to keep a social distancing at work, given a quiet place in the staff room than general office. Peaceful despite chatting-noise from teachers, I don't mind since it is temporary. Permanent will also be good. :D Can blog at ease. |
6th Aug 2020 - After a good swim, I had some pocket-time when I can chill before meeting my bro, YM, to celebrate his bday. |
6th Aug 2020 - Thank you YM for meeting us up. :) Missed you especially during those periods of MIA. |
7th Aug 2020 - During National Day Celebration in School, we were told to wear red and today I found my AM wore like an SG flag like me. :D |
11th Aug 2020 - With the success and positive feeling fro my healthy growing Nep previously, I decided to give myself another try for other nep again. So I got two from carousel, one if a free gift. Nep Bicalcarata - expensive and quite small... Hope it will grow well for me. Another one is my main focus - Nep Campanulata x Ventricosa - With Campanulata, a lowlander genes, it should be able to grow ... Hopefully my growing area will not discourage it. Free-gift - Nep Rafflesiana x Viking seedling from the seller. That's a kind gesture for this. Very easy plant to start :) Will not expect much and prepare for the worst. |
12th Aug 2020 - Many things happened today. Whatever had happened, we just have to learn from our mistakes and move forwards to a better future than got struck on the spot. Just like a song titled "Mess" by Jasmine Sokko; the lyrics quoted, "So what if I've made a mistake. The world would go on. I'd learn to deal and pick my sorry self up. If I've made a mistake, I'll face it head on. I'll learn to deal and see it as a step up. Don't wanna let my shortcomings Define my abilities; But it ain't easy to admit I'm not a liability. I like to believe that failures. They are just lessons learned." |
13th Aug 2020 - Today I supposed to go for a jog or a swim before meeting my auntie and my mother for dinner but it seemed like both of them were on off today. So they wanted to meet earlier for dinner so that they can go for a MUJI shopping trip at Jewel. The whole airport was empty during this pandemic. I guess the airline industry got the most impact... Anyway, when we arrived to Muji. I saw this comfortable Beanbag, I always want a beanbag and tried with other beanbags in other stores... Muji beanbag gave me the falling-in-love feeling. I decided to buy one back so that I can become a Couch Potato while playing game or whatever; just a throne for me at home. The best part was, my auntie wanted to gain some points for her Muji membership, then the staff told us that we have a 15% birthday voucher going to expire sooner. I got a discounted beanbag which saved my wallet a lot! YES YES YES!!! |
15th Aug 2020 - Some of my friends are August babies. Since Covid situation, we had not met up for more than six months. So today was a good opportunity to catch up and celebrate the bday with you guys. As someone who is older, I will try to get everyone. |
18th Aug 2020 - It seemed like my August blog posts won't have anything special so I shared one Trisuit theme #39. (Click to read more) |
19th Aug 2020 - I seldom post pic of my meal on my blog because I take it as normal daily stuff, but today was different because I made Inari for my lunching in staff room which got a lot of attention. At least, something which spiced up your day. |
21st Aug 2020 - A farewell lunch for our 2nd DE, SR, you had been with us for a short while, but your contribution was appreciated. Hope your next job will be a good one. |
23rd Aug 2020 - Having some deep thoughts over some issues which I always want to outgrown of. (Click to read more) |
27th Aug 2020 - Feeling kind of emo and tired these days. But I have to give myself a timeframe to feel down and today will come to a stop and move on again. Don't want to tie down too long. |
29th Aug 2020 - Wanted to bring my waifu out but I delayed and Miss Cloud wanted to take over the sky. Oh well... Time to rest again |
30th Aug 2020 - It had been a long time since I visited these three quarries. :D Feeling happy and looking forward. (Click here for more) |
31st Aug 2020 - Finally come to the last day of Aug. What do you think of such new arrangement of my blog update? Hope you like the changes. Anyway, today some of my colleagues told me... I should not wear such tight trousers/pants... their comments - As they look too tight on you and not suitable on you.. I was like what?! Am I not suitable for such fitting pants??? Sigh... So envy those guys who wear skinny jeans and look great because of their slim long legs.... |
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