Saturday, August 1, 2020

Personal - Aug First Weekend

Good Morning Blog,

A long weekend for the beginning of August, it seemed like Miss Sky had arranged something for me and I had to be thankful.

1st Aug 2020 - First Saturday morning - Miss Sky decided to shower SG before starting the day.
ZN wanted to explore Coney Island and to cycle around, as I looked out... Wondering, is Miss Sky in the midst of showering or...
Well, for me, since I had promised and ZN was about to arrive Punggol from Woodland.
Keep up my word is what I should honour.
I guessed Miss Sky had done her showering. ZN told me that it was raining heavily but along the way, I got nothing. :) Thanks Miss Sky.
Wet pavement but... I started to get worrying...
Wet ground meaning my waifu will have wet, sandy tyres and get dirty... Oh well, have to wash her eventually.
Coney Island and ZN managed to rent a bike for like $25+ for two hours ride with one hour free, from Jomando Adventure. (google map review) The rental fee is too costly... After reading their reviews... They will have a one-time visit from me.
Coney Island was crowded and no mood to take pictures... Perhaps because I felt tired and sleepy... Need to go back and rest the day.
The next day supposed to bring two new friends for a hike but yeah, one of them can't make it. :) I guess I will have to hike myself.

2nd Aug 2020 - Fat fat me. How I wish I can have a slim body... but... I just have to maintain, if I don't,  I know I will become Fat Thor so maintain and stay active.
Okay! Time to eat my fatty food - too bad, I can't avoid eating Lv3 food... My mother bought it, thinking it will help my hunger. Thanks, Mother. I will just have to work harder to burn it.
Since I was the only person hiking, I decided to go one place to determine whether that location is hikable or not.
Quiet morning today - inner peace
oh yes! Have you noticed the new shoes? Are they nice? Thanks, Uncle E for the gift.
Time to enter crowded MacRitchie, I just walked quickly and lived within.
Ahhh... Some place which had some quiet moment.
Like this :D YippEE! Me-time moment!
Today my first visit was to explore this forgotten trail
Some years ago, Mr K and I explored this place. Today this was my 2nd-time visit and I will take some time to familiarise this place.
Yes, This place brought me back some memories.
We can only explore this place when the drain is not flooded
Why is that so?
Because the path is rather narrow and can be dangerous especially when it is flooded.
What a quiet place
This place was perfect for a picnic but... the place filled with ants... So have to leave this place.
Looking at this direction. I was heading to the next destination where I wanted to explore.
Honestly, during this hike, my mind was totally empty. Perhaps... I was just tired and just wanted to move forward.
But I think I shall leave a smiley for my blog at least.
Here is the entrance where I want to explore.
Did you see this Eco-link? Credit to Uncle E for introducing to me on a new map app where it will show trekking paths. It seemed like it is reachable.
What is Eco-Link that you are asking?

Aerial photo taken of Eco-Link. Photo Credits: National Parks Board
It is Singapore’s efforts to conserve biodiversity in our urban landscape and the construction began in 2011 and ended in 2013. It is the first such eco-bridge in Southeast Asia to connect between two nature reserves – Bukit Timah Nature Reserve and Central Catchment Nature Reserve.

(Image credit Jnzl's Photos) Shown is the Eco-Link@BKE, an ecological bridge in Singapore which connects the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve with the Central Catchment Nature Reserve.
This connection will allow an effective exchange of native plant and animal genetic materials, and increases their long-term survival chances. You can read more from here and here. Let's be proud of our country for putting conservation in a unique way.

Here is the entrance to the Eco-link. You barely see the trail so be aware.
The trek started to fade as you walked deeper.
I was certain that I have arrived to the top of the bridge because I could hear the traffic below. It seems like the vegetation is getting thicker.
Can you see what is in front of me?
Ah a dead end. It is to prevent human intrusion to disturb the peace of nature.
I guess if you are trapped here and captured, you can't escape this place for sure.
I guess... I can't explore further... let's go home... I wanted to zzz.
I walked back to Bukit Timah and revising... I will try a different trail to explore the Chestnut trail.
Something random - Some warning messages for our native monkeys.
This weekend cycling and hiking were totally... empty mind and communication.... kind of numb... I don't know why...
I hope I will get better in my next future trip.
Don't want to get stuck in a web.
During the trip, I didn't take pictures of this moss. I don't want other people to farm wild moss. So...
I am such a hypocrite as I collected wild moss myself...
So sorry about it. I collected wild moss to cover my pitcher plant soil media. I have enough. Please forgive me. Sorry.
I just hope my only pitcher plant will continue to grow well for me.
Hope you have a good weekend. :) Time for me to zzz....


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