Sunday, August 23, 2020

Cycling - Come and Go

Good Morning Blog,

Moody Sunday morning
Don't know why these days, lack of motivation of going for a workout as usual. I reflected, I know why... I kept on thinking why do people come and go in my life, reminded by the amount of promises/assurance that others had made, and misunderstanding situations...

I rubbed my eyes and felt very tired today... that beanbag was calling me...
I just forced myself to step out from my comfort zone, take my waifu for a short ride.
Along the long quiet pavement to my quiet place... I just kept on beating up myself...
Looking out and reflecting myself by the side of the calm, mirrored lake.
People come and go, but life is simply about seeing who cares enough to stay.

Some conclusion which I need to unlearn and learn again.
I just grow tired seeing people come and go... tired of condemning myself...

I just wanted to sleep my day away...
Like one of many situations - one of my friends felt offended when I respond their messages late like days. As I realised, my phone actually shut most battery-intense apps running in the background and usually it will ask me for permission to do so. If based on the days of zero notification from that app, I remembered that I granted my phone the permission to shut most apps and I need to load the apps to get it run in the background for any notification. When I loaded that app, I saw many messages started to load in. Then one of my friends think that I demned him lightly despite I had apologised and explained what had happened, but it seemed like he just liked other people, ignore and condemn...

What a common situation which might happen to anyone... but for me... feeling being condemned/mocked/misunderstood by others, will just make me smile bitterly.
As an INFJ, often carry the blame and further condemn onto himself (like additional loads). I know that I was the spark of the misunderstanding but if another party wants me to carry the load, I will only carry mine and then move on my life. I had been carrying my darkness since young; this time round, I have enough already. I did my best to maintain and invest onto the interaction, being honest and sincere; and if it still ended negatively; I shall not regret. I don't always have control over it but we can control how I respond. People and situations will come and go in life, but I learned the person in the mirror will be there forever, I should be good and love myself.

Just like this morning, along the pavement, one random cyclist stopped and asked me questions about my waifu, and then he seemed positive and wanted to know more like my cycling frequency and cost. I realised that I stood there interacted with him for like 15 mins and had no choice but to stop here to continue my ride. Positive yes! But I need to learn people Come and Go.
I will be thankful that our paths crossed, even if it was just for a short while. Life is change, happy or sad, determined by ourselves. People come and go, some come back, some don't, and it is part of life. One person's action doesn't mean I should forget about everyone else who still stand with me. Let them go, as it means that their part in my life is over. I will continue to smile and appreciate what I have and had.

Like rain, it will come and go. Instead of getting unhappy over it, why not embrace it and enjoy the moment.
Jia you Fat Jeff and all the best to those who left.


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