Saturday, October 26, 2019

Personal - October Randomness

Hi Blog,

It is October 2019, hazy days might be a forgotten event but it might be back again. We must learn to appreciate the days when we live in a dimension of bliss. My randomness is random but I hope I will keep it a positive one than emotional.

Looking back... Writing blog does really help to keep my sane.

1st Oct 2019 - Today I managed to write and upload pictures to my blog through my phone. It was impossible in the past, and now for one or two pictures, it is manageable. Happy to know it is possible :)
2nd Oct 2019 - Honestly I can't believe it is October already. Time just passed so FAST! 2019 is about to end sooner too. Do I get any better than last time? I hope I do.
3rd Oct 2019 - Randomness to the Max, a group of friends wanted to have a simple MALA party at Shu Vegetarian at MTF coffee shop (map) And this time around, we went for Middle-level Mala which we can really enjoy the food. Thank you, everyone for coming.
4th Oct 2019 - Performing in front of others... was a nightmare. My legs just wanted to run away from the stage... But I had to ease my nervous mind constantly and tried to look far. Even though, my dance moves don't sync with the rest and messy; at least I made it through. Happy Children's Day.
9th Oct 2019 - One fine day, I decided to practise and try to master my all-time favourite #music #piano piece. I don't have any lesson or know anything about playing piano so after a few days of practicing and this is my first raw performance. Hopefully, I will master the whole music one day.
16th Oct 2019 - Ordered a tent from Shopee and The speed of the delivery and the cost of the product are impressive. Love shopping with Shopee! If anyone wants to have a $10 off from using Shopee for the first time, can simply download shopee app and use this referral code: JEFF1223 which valid for the first time purchase.
17th Oct 2019 - I was amazed by the mini Halloween Night entrance done by students and with the guidance from adults. The Entrance of Pennywise in the classroom - really showcases the terror and fear of the kid in the classroom. LOL!
23rd Oct 2019 - Wanted to go for a good jog, but raining heavily and I have lacked the motivation to engage other kinds of workout... Seriously... Really zero motivation...
26th Oct 2019 - Just want some Me-Time. It was great and I should do this often. Have some time with my waifu.


  1. Well done. Keep it up.It's normal when you perform on stage.Important thing is that you must enjoy the dance.

    1. Hahaha I did enjoy it if my nervousness didn't take over my mind.


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