Saturday, October 5, 2019

Trip - Batam - Day 1 - Shopping

Good Afternoon Blog,

When you come to Batam, you won't miss out of going to one of their malls, just like when you travel to JB, you will definitely visit their malls too. Besides, Batam shopping malls are just like JB malls. I wondered what about their price tag here? Is a small 'millionaire' like me can get anything from here?

Here is BCS Mall (Google map). Everyone was discussing the meetup point and shopping duration
Hmmm... The mall hall was promoting something
Typical Mall layout - this one is four stories tall
Not much difference from any Asian Shopping mall
I walked around the whole mall and learned that, the price (if convert to SGD) is about the same. No wonder, I don't get to see the locals walking around here. Example, A simple bubble tea will cost $3-4, even though it is slightly cheaper but... I can't spend my money like that. As for clothing wise, I don't usually purchase clothing in Singapore frequently because I am very selective (I demand fall-in-love at first sight feeling). So I continue browsing...

My cousin and I spotted this VR Gaming Studio at the top floor and the price seems decent. (Google Map)
Simple layout
VR experience which I can watch aside in Singapore. Perhaps I should try it here.
After payment, a friendly staff tried his best to converse with us and did a short demo on how to use this system
Seemed rather confusing on the instruction and we were limited by timing. 15mins per game.
Need to wear a "thingy" for smooth movement
I am ready for the ride. Oh yeah, I have to take out my glasses in order to fit in the head gear... but my eye-degree is way too high, I can't see anything at all, so I have to squeeze my glasses inside the head gear. It was a painful experience - tight spacing at the side because of the spectacles handler, and the whole head gear was sitting on my spec on the roof of my nose. Very uncomfortable. I guess VR isn't for me?
I tried to walk but I failed to move forward and realised that I "walked" wrongly. All I need to do is just a simple step forward, not move forward like in this picture. I almost tear down the stand which is holding my fat butt.
Trying to act cool - shooting at Zombies
Thanks to my cousin, N, for taking video of me, doing stupid thing. Hahaha
Now his turn.
Ready? GO!
He is adaptable and played the game well.
After N cleared many stages, there was some credit left and I wanted to try a simple one without that stand. Wearing my spec is still required. Painful experience again but it was fun! And more worth the price!
Overall, this VR Gaming is a great place to try. In Singapore, this might cost a lot. Lower our expectation will help to leave a positive impression. :)
After the VR gaming, we went for a short Karaoke session. Affordable too. Feeling like a good relax chilling session together. Next stop was our lunching time, I shall keep all our meal experience in another post (link) and keep shopping here.

So after BCS mall visit, we visited some other shopping mall. According to the driver, the next mall is the new and slightly expensive - Grand Batam Mall (google map). It is just like a normal shopping mall in Singapore. Nothing much but you can visit their Top 100 mart at the basement.

Day 2
On our last day at Batam, we visited another mall - Nagoya Citywalk (google map) After knowing roughly what Batam shopping malls carry, I had decided what to get for myself with S$30. (Thanks to my Auntie H, she passed me another S$50)
So I got myself a pant which I fell in love with. Soft fabric, true and ideal low rise cutting, and stretchable, it is PERFECT in many ways on how I love to wear it. Plus, it was the last one with 50% discount.
And I also got myself a simple shirt with an interesting wording at the collar which says "God knows!" and the back, there is a bible quote "Would not God discover this? For he knows the secrets of the heart. (Psalm 44:21)"
Last one, I pumped to one of the shop and...
found this Avenger Quantum suit jacket and I fell in love with it. Why so?
(Image credit to I got this jacket myself and it is printed on the fabric.
This one isn't printed but sewed material. It costs my remaining money! :D
With S$80, I got myself three clothing - all fall-in-love at first sight. :) What an achievement!



  1. Nice spending a weekend in Batam. Which hotel did you stay and how much did you pay each including the ferry ticket?

    1. Hi uncle Jimmy, I think mine include transportation too, total $130


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